A strange phenomenon is currently occurring in rural China 中国农村目前正在发生一种奇怪的现象

中国的新冠肺炎大流行仍然非常严重,死亡人数众多,至今仍是个谜。 最近,新民微博发表了一篇文章,描述了中国农村的一个特殊现象:许多50多岁的人正在死去。 网民们纷纷质疑:”这些人接种了疫苗吗?” The Covid-19 pandemic in China remains very serious, with many deaths, and it continues to be a mystery. Recently, a Weibo account, Xinmin, published an article stating a peculiar phenomenon in rural China: many people in their 50s are dying. Netizens are questioning, “Have these people been vaccinated?”

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