中国经济泡沫.中国房地产债务危机导致公寓未完工,愤怒情绪高涨 Anger mounts as China’s property debt crisis leaves flats unfinished

Dozens of homebuyers in Tongchuan, a city in northwestern China’s Shaanxi province, are demanding police action as the presale flats they bought years ago remain unfinished shells. The so-called “rotting” or unfinished homes in China have become more common since a property slump in 2021, which has seen some property developers go bankrupt, and others left in massive debt. 中国西北部陕西省铜川市的数十名购房者要求警方采取行动,因为他们多年前购买的预售公寓仍是未完工的空壳。 自2021年房地产市场低迷以来,中国所谓的“烂尾”或未完工的房屋变得更加普遍,一些房地产开发商破产,另一些开发商背负巨额债务。

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