Dire Economic Trend Is a Huge Blow to Xi’s China 严峻的经济趋势对Xi的中国来说是一个巨大的打击

The gap between the first and second-largest economies threatens to widen as China struggles with "economic long COVID." — Read on www.newsweek.com/china-xi-jinping-economy-gdp-overtake-us-1858561 随着中国与“经济长期新冠病毒”作斗争,第一和第二大经济体之间的差距可能会扩大。 该国在新冠肺炎大流行期间从长达多年的防病毒政策中复苏,这辜负了一些分析师的预期,几个月的轮流封锁、房地产市场陷入困境以及外国直接投资的减少。

中国10万亿美元的隐藏债务山可能是“定时炸弹” China’s $10 trillion hidden debt mountain could be the ‘ticking time bomb’ that Joe Biden warned of

中国今年面临许多经济问题,从通货紧缩和创纪录的青年失业率到房地产危机。 但这个国家面临着另一个更令人担忧的威胁:地方政府的巨大隐藏债务。 一些估计认为,中国地方融资工具的负债接近10万亿美元。 China has faced many economic problems this year, from deflation and record youth unemployment to a property crisis. But the nation faces another, even more worrisome threat:…

China’s Outdated And Abandoned EVs Are Piling Up 中国过时的和废弃的电动汽车正在堆积如山

https://jalopnik.com/china-s-outdated-and-abandoned-evs-are-piling-up-1850752078 The cars were likely deserted after the ride-hailing companies that owned them failed, or because they were about to become obsolete as automakers rolled out EV after EV with…

Foreign investors have been dumping vast amounts of Chinese assets, and putting money there will only get riskier 外国投资者一直在抛售大量中国资产,把钱投进去只会增加风险


https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/foreign-investors-china-stocks-chinese-economy-bond-markets-xi-jinping-2023-6 Foreign investors have been selling Chinese securities for the last two years, the Atlantic Council said. President Xi Jinping's policies and growing geopolitical tensions have helped spur the retreat.…

Zero-Covid: five charts that show how restrictions are throttling the Chinese economy | China | The Guardian 零冠状病毒:五张图表显示限制如何抑制中国经济

大流行已经过去三年了,中国仍然依赖快速封锁和大规模测试——而这可能会给全球经济带来麻烦 乔纳森·耶鲁沙米 2022年12月1日星期四03.04格林尼治时间 中国反对大流行限制的抗议可能会给全球经济带来新一轮动荡,全球经济已经饱受通货膨胀、能源冲击和乌克兰战争之苦。 政府为了限制病毒的扩散,持续依赖封锁、防疫命令和大规模检查,引发了数十年来最大的抗议运动。 但几乎没有证据表明,当局愿意偏离他们走过的道路。 保健人员为了检查新冠肺炎,正在从女性身上提取拭子样本。 零COVID政策:为什么中国仍然存在严重的封锁? 阅读更多 除了引发中国国内社会动荡之外,有迹象表明零冠状病毒战略正在勒紧世界第二大经济体——而作为全球增长的关键驱动因素之一,中国所发出的动荡浪潮很可能在其他地方感受到。   Zero-Covid: five charts that show how restrictions are throttling the Chinese economy — Read on www.theguardian.com/world/2022/dec/01/zero-covid-five-charts-that-show-how-restrictions-are-throttling-the-chinese-economy   Opinion :…