Confessions from a Chinese censorship worker 一名中国审查人员的自白


河豚公主: 就主要还是看一些境外媒体的新闻,就是关于中国的一些报道,然后比如说bbc他们关于中国的报道,还有一些嗯推特上有一些反贼嘛,抗议活动或者是游行之类的,还有国内的一些新闻国内有啊,比如说之前有鐵链的这种社会负面的去年的话有四通桥把指运动,就是这种负面的新闻。BP: We mainly gather China-related news from overseas media outlets, such as reports from BBC and posts from anti-Chinese dissidents from X [formerly Twitter] about protests and negative news like the chained woman and last year’s protest at Sitong Bridge.

BP: There are written rules. But in general, commentaries and content that are against the Chinese government’s interests are considered illegal and must be deleted. As for homonyms and mockeries, some sensitive terms, such as Baozi (which means “Bun”, a nickname for Xi Jinping), are already filtered away. The remaining ones are reviewed subjectively.

河豚公主: 是有一个专门规则,但是我认为的违法就是对中国政府不利的一些作品、评论这些肯定是要被删除掉的[…] 影射的的话,它有一些关键词也是被机審给删除掉了,比如说包子这两个字就是敏感詞,其他的一些是主观去审核。

BP: Indeed, we need to read information circulating among overseas dissidents, and we need to know what the homonyms and coded terms are. Among my colleagues, I don’t think they liked the job, and they disagreed with such kind of censorship practice.

Let me put it this way: I was trapped at home during the pandemic last year, but I was supporting the government’s zero-COVID policy and lockdown while I couldn’t even step out of my door… The work was evil, very dark… it’s very likely I will change my job soon, and give up this censorship work.

河豚公主: 怎么说呢,就是境外反贼,他们所有的东西我们就是要看嘛,然后各种谐音感要知道一些… 我觉得我认识的同事,他们一般不喜欢这个工作,然后就是政治立场,绝对不会支持删除…我的话怎么说呢?就比如说去年疫情疫情,我自己被困在家中,然后还要立场上政政府的清零政策只能说好,封得對封得好这样子,然后实际上我自自己被封在家中,连大门都出不去…我觉得这个工作一点都不好,就是很黑暗很黑暗…或许我很快会换工作,就是离开这个巡察言论的工作.

河豚公主: 我觉得就平常聊天话基本审查是不会管的,但是如果你提及政治上面的东西,比如说你指责共产党哪个政策不好,或者是你是業主你指責爛尾樓,你说你要去抗议之类的,那们这种的话就是会被拦截,甚至私信内容我们也能看到,也是会拦截的,然后严重的话就是封号了,封你半个月,一般是只有涉及政治的话才会永久,就是侮辱领导人这种,其他的话就是处罚都比较轻,然后在平台发言需要緊慎吧… 反正的话,就是只能说好,可能有不好,只能说做的对,做的好,我们支持这样子。

河豚公主: 我就是希望这个审查制度早一点消失,反正我不喜欢这个行业,就是渡日如年很痛苦的样子。然眼下又没有其他方行业去做,我休息的时间就是学习一些其他的东西,离开这个鬼地方…并不是说一定要指责他们怎么样子,就是大家相对稍微能有一个開放的言论环境也我觉得也蛮好,但是现在的审查制度太严格了,太严格了

BP: I wish this censorship system would be abandoned soon. I hate this sector, it’s so painful working here. But I can’t shift to another sector right now, that’s why I keep on learning whenever I have free time so that I can leave this hell… I am not condemning anyone; I just hope that people can have a bit more open environment for free expression. The current system is way too much. 


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