尽管价格便宜得令人难以置信,但由于许多国家的质量问题,中国的武器出口仍面临大幅下降。China’s arms exports face sharp decline due to defective qua ..

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China did steal all of technology from the World but They don’t have ability how to use technology except housing 中国确实窃取了世界上所有的技术,但他们除了住房之外没有能力如何使用技术


Countries that buy Chinese weapons seldom complain – and experts say many never use the equipment because they’re not at war. But signs of stress occasionally appear after a sale.

Two years ago, aviation news websites reported that the Royal Jordanian Air Force had put six Chinese-made CH-4B Pterosaur drones up for resale. Statements before the resale “indicate the Jordanians may be disappointed with its performance, Overt Defense said.

In Thailand, the navy accepted three Chinese-made tanks this year for $11.77 million despite questions from opposition lawmakers about why they took priority over COVID-19 vaccines. The two countries boosted military cooperation in 2016.

Malaysia ordered four Chinese littoral mission ships in late 2016 and saved money by having them made in China, said Shariman Lockman, senior foreign policy and security studies analyst with the Institute of Strategic and International Studies in Malaysia. Two have arrived already.

Littoral mission ships are relatively small vessels designed in the past for stealth combat near coastlines, sometimes against bigger enemies.

Malaysia disputes sovereignty over part of the South China Sea with Beijing, which periodically sends ships into the contested waters. On Monday, Malaysia protested diplomatically over Chinese vessels, including a survey ship, that had entered its exclusive economic zone in the disputed sea near Borneo.

“I think you have to spread the risks a bit and not put out ourselves in a position of dependence and you have to really consider the security consequence of buying from a country with which we have overlapping territorial claims,” Lockman said.

购买中国武器的国家很少抱怨——专家表示,许多国家从未使用过这些设备,因为它们没有处于战争状态。 但销售后有时会出现压力迹象。

两年前,航空新闻网站报道称,约旦皇家空军已出售六架中国制造的CH-4B翼龙无人机。 公开防御公司表示,转售前的声明“表明约旦人可能对其表现感到失望”。

在泰国,海军今年以 1177 万美元的价格接收了三辆中国制造的坦克,尽管反对派议员质疑为何中国制造的坦克优先于 COVID-19 疫苗。 2016年两国加强军事合作。

马来西亚战略与国际问题研究所高级外交政策和安全研究分析师沙里曼·洛克曼 (Shariman Lockman) 表示,马来西亚在 2016 年底订购了四艘中国濒海任务舰,并通过在中国制造来节省资金。 两个人已经到了。


马来西亚与北京对南海部分地区的主权存在争议,北京定期派船只进入有争议的海域。 周一,马来西亚对包括一艘调查船在内的中国船只进入婆罗洲附近有争议海域的专属经济区提出外交抗议。


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