中国是世界上最大的袋装出口国!习近平的”一带一路”现在走得很奇怪!China is the World’s no1 bagger export country ! Xi’s one road one belt is going weird way now !

Dear Chinese Patriotic ! You can have enough proud of your country ! 亲爱的中国爱国者!你们可以为祖国感到骄傲!

中国是世界上最大的袋装出口国!中国乞丐团伙蜂拥马来西亚,每月赚2400美元,是当地人的六倍。 中国包包在世界任何地方都很常见。


China is the World’s no1 bagger export country ! Chinese Beggar Gangs Swarm Malaysia, Making $2400 a Month—Six Times More Than Locals. Chinese baggers are very common everywhere in the World.

China might be very proud that Made-in China bagger dominated Worlds !

China’s foreign department Wang-yi signed with Malaysia about economical co-operation & visa free tourism. China supply enough bagger to Malaysia as a economic co-operation. 中国外交部王毅与马来西亚签署了经济合作和免签证旅游协议。 中国向马来西亚提供足够的袋子作为经济合作。

China’s Foreign dep. Wang yi says “China has a power and ability to construct hospital, bridge, school and road with best ability among developing countries. He never mention that “China has an ability to export unlimited numbers of Bagger Gang to the World” 中国外交部。 王毅说:”中国有能力在发展中国家中建设最好的医院、桥梁、学校和道路。 他从来没有提到”中国有能力向世界出口无限数量的巴格帮派” 。

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