China’s censorship regime will hone in on social media to stamp out protests and dissent 中国的审查制度将在社交媒体上磨练,以消除抗议和异议

China’s censorship regime will hone in on social media to stamp out protests and dissent China is already a world leader in state surveillance including facial recognition and gait analysis. Now it’s about to go even further — Read on 中国的审查制度将加强社交媒体以压制抗议和异议 中国在包括面部识别和步态分析在内的国家监控方面已经处于世界领先地位。 现在它即将走得更远

What China’s Covid Protesters Are Calling For – The New York Times

Protests against Covid restrictions have evolved into broader demands. Here’s what videos show about what demonstrators want — and the risks. — Read on