China-India ‘disconnect’ could fuel ‘summer of discontent’ along disputed border 中印”脱钩”可能加剧争议边界地区”不满之夏” 中国最近试图在该地区站稳脚跟,这进一步助长了中国的强硬立场,尽管边境地区的紧张局势正在加剧。中国外交部长秦刚最近与巴基斯坦总统阿里夫·阿尔维和军队总司令阿西姆·穆尼尔举行会谈,表示北京愿意与德里的主要对手伊斯兰堡”加强军事交流和防务合作”。今年3月,中国总理谢赫·哈西纳在中国帮助下建成的第一个潜艇基地落成,中国加强了在孟加拉国的驻军。中国政府也一直在与不丹积极谈判,以解决长达几十年的边界争端。今年4月,中国”重新命名”了印度阿鲁纳恰尔邦的11个席位——北京宣称拥有这一席位——甚至”坚决反对”印度内政部长阿米特·沙阿几天后访问该地区。 The country’s hardening stance has been further fuelled by China’s recent attempts to assert itself in the region even as tensions simmer along the border.Qin, the Chinese foreign minister, recently held talks with Pakistan President Arif Alvi and army chief Asim Munir, saying that Beijing was ready to “strengthen military exchanges and defence […]

紧张的对峙:菲律宾在海上索赔问题上与中国对抗。中国在南中国海日益咄咄逼人,估计每年有5万亿美元的全球贸易过境。Tense face-off: Philippines confronts China over sea claims.China’s increasingly aggressive actions in the South China Sea, where an estimated $5 trillion in global trade transits each year.

Jim Gomez Gomez is The AP Chief Correspondent in the Philippines. JimSGomez 一艘中国海岸警卫队船只阻止了一艘菲律宾巡逻船驶入南中国海有争议的浅滩,这导致中国最近一次在战略航道发动侵略的险些发生碰撞。 4月23日,这艘大型中国船与菲律宾海岸警卫队BRP马拉帕斯库亚号在第二托马斯浅滩附近对峙的公海,是它和另一艘菲律宾船只在世界上争议最激烈的水道之一进行为期一周的主权巡逻时遭遇到的紧张时刻之一。 A Chinese coast guard ship blocked a Philippine patrol vessel steaming into a disputed shoal in the South China Sea, causing a frightening near-collision in the latest act of Beijing’s aggression in the strategic waterway. The high seas face-off April 23 between the larger Chinese ship and the Philippine coast guard’s BRP Malapascua […]