中国正经历登革热疫情,当局继续隐瞒情况 China is experiencing a dengue fever outbreak, the authorities continue to conceal the situation

In recent weeks, Yunnan Province has witnessed a widespread outbreak of dengue fever, leading to hospitals becoming overwhelmed and several fatalities. However, the local government has not provided official announcements or updates regarding the epidemic. Simultaneously, a harmful insect eradication campaign in Mile City, Yunnan Province, lasting 18 days, vaguely mentions “disease-carrying organisms” without clearly […]

又是中国! 世卫组织表示,中国记录了世界上首例人类死于H3N8禽流感 China records world’s first human death from H3N8 bird flu, WHO says 所有的疾病都来自中国 All deseas comes from China 世界卫生组织(WHO)说,中国女性已成为人类罕见的禽流感死亡的第一人,但禽流感病毒似乎不会在人类之间传播。 世卫组织在周二晚些时候的一份声明中说,这名来自南方广东省的56岁妇女是已知感染H3N8亚型禽流感的第三人。 A Chinese woman has become the first person to die from a type of bird flu that is rare in humans, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said, but the strain does not appear to spread between people. The 56-year-old woman from the southern […]

武汉实验室泄漏新冠病毒,美国资助了功能增益研究 Bombshell Senate GOP report: COVID leaked from Wuhan lab where US funded gain-of-function research

美国参议院共和党报告:武汉实验室泄漏新冠病毒,美国资助了功能增益研究根据美国参议员克林顿的说法,即使美国继续向中国提供资金进行病毒研究,中国实验室里仍然没有美国科学家监督这种美国支持的研究。 罗杰·马歇尔(Roger Marshall,肯尼亚) Bombshell Senate GOP report: COVID leaked from Wuhan lab where US funded gain-of-function research GOP senator releases ‘bombshell’ COVID-19 origins report 共和党参议员发表新冠肺炎”炸弹”炸弹”参议员罗杰·马歇尔发表了一份长达300页的报告,声称病毒来自两次实验室泄漏 Sen. Roger Marshall released a 300-page report that claims the virus came from two lab leaks

一位联合国官员告诉路透社,尽管与北京进行了长期会谈,但中国并未参与一项联合国项目,该项目旨在调查亚洲农贸市场和其他将传染病从野生动物传播给人类的高风险设施。 China is not participating in a United Nations project to survey Asian wet markets and other facilities at high risk of spreading infectious diseases from wild animals to humans, despite long-running talks with Beijing, a UN official told Reuters. 中国对加入涉及其他亚洲国家的联合国项目的犹豫不决可能会加剧全球研究人员的挫败感,他们一直在敦促北京分享有关 COVID-19 起源的信息,因为他们试图防止未来因人畜共患或动物传人而导致的大流行 , 疾病传播。 四个亚洲国家——中国、泰国、越南和老挝——最初被该项目的科学咨询委员会选中进行调查,该项目被称为“亚洲全球环境安全”(SAFE),因为它们拥有多个存在动物风险的设施—— 联合国官员说,疾病会传染给人类。 China’s hesitancy to join the UN project involving other Asian nations may compound frustration by global researchers who have been pressing Beijing to share information about the origins of COVID-19, as they seek to prevent future pandemics due to zoonotic, or animal-to-human, disease transmission. Four Asian countries […]