
COVID-19 origins hearing witness blasts China’s ‘stonewalling’China has vigorously denied COVID-19 lab-leak origins theory and refused to be transparent with international investigators https://www.foxnews.com/politics/covid-19-origins-hearing-witness-blasts-china-stonewalling 他指责说:”自疫情爆发初期以来,中国政府销毁样本、隐藏记录、监禁勇敢的记者、堵住中国科学家、积极传播错误信息,并尽其所能防止这种毫无拘束的、基于证据的调查。 梅茨尔接着说:”地球上的每一个人都必须要求中国负责,要求全面调查大流行病的起源。” 梅茨尔补充说,对中国进行审查并不意味着美国和其他国家应该忽视自己对大流行病的反应。 “Since the early days of the pandemic, China’s government has destroyed samples, hidden records, imprisoned brave Chinese journalists, gagged Chinese scientists, actively spread misinformation and done pretty much everything […]

IAN BIRRELL: UN experts say lab leak was the ‘most likely’ cause of Covid-19 | Daily Mail Online 联合国专家声称,实验室泄漏是新冠肺炎的“最可能”原因,因为他们指责英国和美国顶尖科学家帮助中国压制关于这个问题的辩论

Lab leak WAS the ‘most likely’ cause of Covid-19, UN experts claim as they accuse top British and American scientists of helping China to suppress debate on the issue — Read on www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11687651/IAN-BIRRELL-experts-say-lab-leak-likely-cause-Covid-19.html 他们说,在新冠肺炎首次出现的中国城市武汉进行的高风险实验笼罩着“可疑的秘密、欺骗和利益冲突”,并认为它“不仅是由中国实施的,而且是由西方资助机构和有影响力的西方科学家强制执行的”。戏剧性的干预来自流行病学家Colin Butler(总部位于澳大利亚堪培拉国家流行病学和人口健康中心)和Delia Randolph(伦敦格林威治大学)。 Last week, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the world¿s biggest public funding body for science, was criticised by […]