Chilling story behind Fan Bingbing’s disappearance

范冰冰失踪背后的惊心故事她在A-list的最顶端——然后突然间,她就消失得无影无踪。 现在她回来了,她的故事令人不寒而栗。 She was at the very top of the A-list — then suddenly, she simply vanished without a trace. Now she’s back and her story is chilling. RELATED: Missing Chinese star’s confession RELATED: Mystery over star’s disappearance RELATED: How President Xi ensures his will is enforced 国事 丑闻发生将近一年后,范冰冰试探性地回到了公众视线。 她将在一部新的国际动作片 355 中重返银幕。 但她一定要感谢当局让她“消失”了四个月。 这位曾出演过数十部电影和电视剧的 37 岁女演员现身,罕见地接受了西方媒体的采访。 她间接谈到了她神秘的拘留。 […]

中国共产党爱性. 女子网球巡回赛结束彭帅发起的抵制中国运动彭于 2021 年 11 月在社交媒体上发帖称一名高级政府官员强迫她发生性关系后,便退出了公众视野。

Women’s tennis tour ends Peng Shuai-inspired China boycottPeng dropped out of public view after saying in a social media post in November 2021 that a high-ranking government official forced her to have sex. 女子网球巡回赛结束彭帅发起的抵制中国运动彭于 2021 年 11 月在社交媒体上发帖称一名高级政府官员强迫她发生性关系后,便退出了公众视野。 Peng dropped out of public view after saying in a social media post in November 2021 that […]