中国骄傲的服用兴奋剂的游泳运动员名单 China’s Proud Dopped Swimmers list

德国公共广播联盟ARD调查两年后制作的纪录片,曝光了23名被检测出曲美他嗪阳性的中国游泳队选手里的一部分,包括: – 东京奥运会冠军张雨霏,杨浚瑄,汪顺 – 世界冠军闫子贝,王一淳 – 2023年最佳男子游泳选手,200米蛙泳世界纪录保持者覃海洋 还有……毒王。 孙杨. A documentary produced two years after an investigation by the German Public Broadcasting Union ARD exposed some of the 23 Chinese swimming team members who were tested positive for trimetazidine, including: and … The king of Doping Sun Yang

习近平加强教育孩子们崇拜他 Xi strengthen to educate children to worship him

亲爱的中国人民:永远不要崇拜权力,但要热爱你的国家。永远不要被权力所管理,而是要有自己。让您的孩子远离权力黑手。睁开眼睛看清被洗脑的生活 Dear Chinese Peoples,Never worship power but love your Country.Never be managed by power but have yourself.Keep your child away from the black hand of power.Open your eyes through brainwashed life

很符合对中共的想象 CCP’s imagination

很符合对中共的想象-外交部发言人说台湾当局那少数民众的血汗钱去维系所谓邦交关系-评论区全是嘲讽 Very much in line with the CCP’s imagination – Taiwan’s foreign ministry spokesman said the few people in the Taiwan authorities had spent their hard-earned money to maintain so-called diplomatic ties – the comment section was full of derision

动态中国. 父亲的过去野蛮行径被愚昧的女儿揭露。Father’s past misdeeds are exposed by his dim-witted daughter.

她的父亲是屠杀赤手空拳呼吁自由的同族的天安文学屠杀的主角。Her father was the mastermind of the Tiananmen massacre, which massacred his compatriots who were crying for freedom with their bare hands. 3月18日,中国火箭军B站账号发布了一则视频 一名女战士展示其父亲的“首都卫士”勋章。 根据资料显示,“首都卫士”勋章是六四发生后,中国人民解放军向首都戒严部队官兵颁发的。 这则视频在粉红群体中被率先发现并引起讨论,但目前视频已被删除。 On March 18, the Chinese Rocket Force’s Station B account posted a video of a female soldier showing off her father’s “Capital Guard” medal. According to information, the “Capital […]

中国试图“埋葬零新冠时代的记忆”和创伤。 他们知道那是多么可怕和野蛮的行为并且没有效果 China tries to ‘bury the memory’ and trauma of zero-COVID era. They know how that was terrible and barbarian behavior and no-effect

Loud success, quiet failure 一开始,中国的宣传和被洗脑的中国人民一起取得了巨大的成功,但失败却发生了,中国人假装不存在发生过的事情。 While the zero-COVID policy ended in failure and trauma, according to Hou, it was initially quite successful. “In 2020 and 2021, we luckily didn’t really feel the pandemic in China,” he said. After a late response to the initial COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, the Chinese authorities subsequently managed to […]

The Chinese government tried to silence them. It backfired.中国人在国外也摆脱不了中共

中国政府试图让他们保持沉默。 它适得其反。一些批评中国共产党的海外人士在警察和其他官员警告他们的活动后,胆大妄为,而不是胆怯。 居住在海外的中国籍驻外人员、个体工商户、留学生。 包括游客在内,所有中国人在海外的所有行动和在线活动都受到中国空间党的监视,同一组织、朋友、同事也在相互监视。他们有时利用在本国的家人进行威胁,或自发地用于中国的海外间谍活动,积极动员共产党的海外宣传行为。 Overseas residents, private businesses, and international students of Chinese nationality residing abroad. All Chinese, including travelers, are monitored by the China Space Party for all overseas activities and online activities, and even the same organization, friends, and colleagues are monitoring each other.Sometimes, they are used by intimidation using their families in […]

“中国会损失更多”:美国考虑制裁援助俄罗斯战争的中国公司 ‘China has a lot more to lose’: U.S. considering sanctioning Chinese firms aiding Russia’s war

美国国会议员告诉 CNBC,美国正在考虑对其认为正在帮助俄罗斯助长乌克兰战争的中国公司实施制裁。立法者可能“很快”会遵循欧盟的类似提议,这将标志着北京因所谓的对莫斯科的军事支持而受到的首次直接惩罚。“中国必须明白,开始在俄罗斯真正实施的同类制裁……也可以适用于中国,”参议员杰拉尔德·康诺利说。 The U.S. is considering slapping sanctions on Chinese companies it believes are helping Russia fuel its war in Ukraine, members of Congress told CNBC.Lawmakers may “very soon” follow similar proposals from the EU, in what would mark the first direct penalties against Beijing over its alleged military support for Moscow.“China has to […]

当中国试图展示一个更友好的形象时,一个新的面孔出现了 As China Tries to Present a Friendlier Image, a New Face Emerges – The New York Times

刘建超是一名共产党外交官,擅长捍卫强硬立场而不好斗。他还曾经在国外追捕过逃犯 Liu Jianchao is a Communist Party diplomat skilled at defending tough positions without being pugnacious. He also once hunted fugitive officials abroad. — Read on 亲爱的中国! 你知道世界肯定已经意识到了你的真实面容。 你对世界造成了足够的伤害,现在全世界都知道了。 不要再假装世界了。 Dear China ! You know the World has realized your real face surely. You did enough harm to the World and the World knows […]

美国最头疼的是中国非法越境进入美国的浪潮。 现在,关于德克萨斯州“内战”的错误信息在中国传播。 无耻的中国人 USA’s Big Headache comes from Big waves of Chinese illegal border crossing to USA. Now, Misinformation spreads in China on ‘civil war’ in Texas. Shameless Chines people 中国热门媒体一直暗示,德克萨斯州发生的事件已导致美国国内的深刻分歧扩大到动乱已成为赤裸裸的现实。自 2021 年初以来,已有超过 630 万移民非法进入美国,创下历史新高,加剧了总统乔·拜登和德克萨斯州州长格雷格·阿博特之间的对峙。作为“孤星行动”的一部分,阿博特先生试图阻止或阻止人们进入他的州,包括沿着伊格尔帕斯市安装约 30 英里(48 公里)的铁丝网屏障。 …… 这是中国通过互联网传播的假新闻。(中国所有的互联网服务都在政府的控制之下。所以,中国的所有这些假新闻都可以被认为是由中国政府发布的。 ……专门研究中国网络虚假信息的美国之音记者文浩在X上发帖称,“这几天中国网络上最大的涉美新闻是得克萨斯州州长向联邦政府宣战,而联邦政府却没有这样做”。 现实中发生”。帖子补充道:“网民们正在为他们所说的美国的自我毁灭而欢呼。”微博似乎确实已采取行动限制此类内容。 搜索带有 #TexasDeclaresAStateOfWar 标签的帖子,现在会显示一条免责声明,其中写道:“根据相关法律、法规和政策,无法显示该主题的内容。”然而,在这个每月活跃用户超过 6 亿的热门平台上,仍然可以找到许多帖子。用户正在传播德克萨斯州军事部在其总部上方悬挂一面旗帜的照片,上面写着“来吧,拿走它”,这导致国内人们认为该州正在煽动独立。福克斯新闻的旧视频也流传着身穿迷彩服的治安团体“保卫边境”的画面。 还有多段从智利流传的军用坦克视频被误认为是德克萨斯州的…… Popular Chinese outlets have been suggesting that events in Texas have led to deep divisions in the US widening to a point where unrest has become a stark reality.More than 6.3m migrants have crossed into the […]

尽管中国提供虚假信息和干涉,台湾选举还是成功 Taiwan election successful despite China disinformation, interference

周六在台湾的投票是2024年世界上最重要的选举之一。 为什么? 看看100英里外的中国及其日益增强的侵略性。Saturday’s vote in Taiwan is one of the world’s most consequential elections of 2024. Why? Look 100 miles away to China and its increased aggression. — Read on 台湾人民已经明确表示,只有民选政府才有权在国际社会中代表我们。The people of Taiwan have made clear that only a democratically elected government has the right to represent us in international society.

强迫爱国主义. 中国 中共认为国家不够爱国。 一项新法律旨在改变这一现状 CHINA CCP feels the country isn’t patriotic enough. A new law aims to change that 爱自己的国家不是法律强制的,而是发自内心的 That “Patriotic Education Law,” aimed at “enhancing national unity,” mandates that love of the country and the ruling Chinese Communist Party be incorporated into work and study for everyone – from the youngest children to workers and professionals across all sectors. It is meant to help China “unify thoughts” and “gather the strength […]