China covered up sinking of newest submarine, says US official. Made by China from steal technology. 中国掩盖了最新潜艇的沉没,美国官员说。 中国用窃取技术制造。

中国潜艇:2024年初,为了保护领海和捕获他国潜艇而设置的海底陷阱,愚蠢地自拔,导致55名船员死亡。 理所当然,中国政府会保密。 之后在台湾近海发生故障而漂流的中国潜水艇被台湾渔民发现后被拖回本国。 2024年5月,一艘号称倾注”中国”所有力量应对美国潜艇的新型核动力攻击潜艇在造船厂准备首航时沉没。 虽然这些都是非常搞笑的事件,但在中国实际发生了。 搭载核燃料的潜水艇接连沉没,究竟泄漏了多少放射能,中国政府对此秘而不宣。 预计不亚于日本核电厂核泄漏。 中国在2019年在武汉将病菌传播到全世界后也没有进行反省,甚至因本国制造得乱七八糟的核运营武器的接连失败和事故,向大海扩散了放射能。 对中国人彻底不公开,中国人在本国军队和武器是世界最强的自我催眠中,今天一天也辛苦地找工作,登陆微博,为爱国主义赚取哪怕几分钱而绞尽脑汁。 Chinese Submarine: 55 crew members died after being stupidly caught in an undersea pit set up in early 2024 to protect their territorial waters and catch submarines from other countries. Naturally, the Chinese government kept it a secret. A Chinese submarine, which had broken down and […]

尽管价格便宜得令人难以置信,但由于许多国家的质量问题,中国的武器出口仍面临大幅下降。China’s arms exports face sharp decline due to defective qua ..

Read more at: China did steal all of technology from the World but They don’t have ability how to use technology except housing 中国确实窃取了世界上所有的技术,但他们除了住房之外没有能力如何使用技术 Countries that buy Chinese weapons seldom complain – and experts say many never use the equipment because they’re not at war. But signs of stress occasionally appear after a sale. […]

中国的全球大型项目正在分崩离析 China’s Global Mega-Projects Are Falling Apart 中国的全球大型项目正在分崩离析 Many of China’s Belt and Road infrastructure projects are plagued with construction flaws, including a giant hydropower plant in Ecuador, adding more costs to a program criticized for leading countries deeper into debt 中国的许多“一带一路”基础设施项目都存在建设缺陷,其中包括厄瓜多尔的一座巨型水电站,该项目增加了更多成本,该项目被批评导致国家陷入更深的债务 China Export Tofu Dreg Construction to the World: Making Other Nations Collapse | China Undercover 中国向世界出口豆腐渣建筑:让其他国家崩溃 中国卧底