很符合对中共的想象 CCP’s imagination

很符合对中共的想象-外交部发言人说台湾当局那少数民众的血汗钱去维系所谓邦交关系-评论区全是嘲讽 Very much in line with the CCP’s imagination – Taiwan’s foreign ministry spokesman said the few people in the Taiwan authorities had spent their hard-earned money to maintain so-called diplomatic ties – the comment section was full of derision

2024年的中国,学生欺凌、暴力、勒索、自杀事件频发。China in 2024, where student bullying, violence, money extortion, and suicide occur frequently.

3月25日,福建晋江灵水中学,家长们聚集在这里,为前一晚自杀去世的14岁女孩讨说法,并对学校老师的知情不报表示抗议。知情网友在社交媒体上表示,涉事女孩是灵山中学初一学生,在长期遭受同学的霸凌和勒索钱财后,于24日晚自杀。去世前,曾在其母亲的微信留下遗书。On March 25, parents gathered at Lingshui Middle School in Jinjiang, Fujian Province to seek an explanation for the 14-year-old girl who committed suicide the night before and protested against the school teacher’s failure to report the incident. Netizens with knowledge of the incident said on social media that the girl involved was a first-year […]

2024年3月,新冠病毒的一种强变种正在中国迅速传播,但中国当局正试图将其化为乌有。 毕竟中国 A strong variant of covid19 is spreading rapidly in China in March 2024, but Chinese authorities are trying to turn it into nothing. After all, China

如今,与病毒共存已成为中国人的日常生活。 但问题是,……在中国不太卫生的环境和中国人的生活方式下,更强烈的变种一次又一次地出现。Nowdays, Living with Virus is a very common daily life for Chinese people. But the Problem is,…. Under lightly-hygienic circumstance of China and Chinese’s life style, more strong variant comes out again and again.

灾难性中国是比战争中的乌克兰和巴勒斯坦更危险的地区 Catastrophic China is more danger zone than Ukraine or Palestine who is under War

从2023年开始,中国各地在2024年也天天有无尽的灾难。Continuously from 2023, China is having endless disaster everyday everywhere in 2024 also. 2020年,中国向世界传播了严重的病毒后,中国各地每天都有大量连续不断的国内疫情。 与中国警方公布的情况不同,第一起爆炸并非发生在炸鸡店。 就连政府的喉舌工具“中国中央电视台”也被残酷封锁、关闭。 该地点完全被炸毁,更像是强力炸弹,而不是瓦斯爆炸 当天连夜,中国政府出动大量重型装备车辆,对现场进行零碎片清理。 在正常国家,第一件事就是营救地下存在的幸存者,并维护现场,寻找爆炸原因的线索。 当然,在救援调查完成之前,重型车辆是不能进入现场的。 中国为何这么做? 大楼和附近的街道已被完全炸毁。 那栋楼里有多少人? 爆炸时有多少行人在街上行走? 这些车里有多少名司机? 中国称有两人死亡。 这是中国传统的躲藏方式吗? After China spread critical virus to the World in 2020, China is having a lot of continuous domestic disasters everyday everywhere by themselves. The first explosion was not […]

中国试图“埋葬零新冠时代的记忆”和创伤。 他们知道那是多么可怕和野蛮的行为并且没有效果 China tries to ‘bury the memory’ and trauma of zero-COVID era. They know how that was terrible and barbarian behavior and no-effect

Loud success, quiet failure 一开始,中国的宣传和被洗脑的中国人民一起取得了巨大的成功,但失败却发生了,中国人假装不存在发生过的事情。 While the zero-COVID policy ended in failure and trauma, according to Hou, it was initially quite successful. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/12/21/china-tries-to-bury-the-memory-and-trauma-of-zero-covid-era “In 2020 and 2021, we luckily didn’t really feel the pandemic in China,” he said. After a late response to the initial COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, the Chinese authorities subsequently managed to […]

2024年崩溃的中国和假装没有发生的中国人真的发生了 Collapsing China in 2024 and Chinese people who pretending not to happen really

2024年2月的中国发生在中国各地。 被中共审查从常规电视新闻、报纸、互联网中删除和审查。拖欠工资、破产住房、病毒死亡、建筑物、桥梁、火车、学校倒塌、野火烧毁、电动汽车爆炸、年轻人失业、地方政府无钱关闭学校、更多加强 习近平的中共的审查、监视、恐吓。非常有趣的是,大多数不向工人、教师、医生或其雇员支付工资的公司都是中国国有公司,而不是私营公司。 许多学校因拖欠教师工资6~12个月而关闭。 中国人正在努力维持生活,假装自己的国家什么也没发生,听从政府的宣传 Chinese are struggling to maintain life pretending nothing happen in their country by follwing propaganda of their governemnt.

The Chinese government tried to silence them. It backfired.中国人在国外也摆脱不了中共

中国政府试图让他们保持沉默。 它适得其反。一些批评中国共产党的海外人士在警察和其他官员警告他们的活动后,胆大妄为,而不是胆怯。 居住在海外的中国籍驻外人员、个体工商户、留学生。 包括游客在内,所有中国人在海外的所有行动和在线活动都受到中国空间党的监视,同一组织、朋友、同事也在相互监视。他们有时利用在本国的家人进行威胁,或自发地用于中国的海外间谍活动,积极动员共产党的海外宣传行为。 Overseas residents, private businesses, and international students of Chinese nationality residing abroad. All Chinese, including travelers, are monitored by the China Space Party for all overseas activities and online activities, and even the same organization, friends, and colleagues are monitoring each other.Sometimes, they are used by intimidation using their families in […]

2024年农历新年期间,中国武汉病毒感染再次卷土重来。 当然,中国政府正在否认,就像2019年冬天中国武汉首次爆发疫情时一样,大多数中国人害怕中国政府,假装不知道。Wuhan virus infection in China returned again in 2024 during the Lunar New Year. Of course, the Chinese government is denying it, just like when the first outbreak occurred in Wuhan, China in the winter of 2019, and the majority of Chinese people are afraid of the Chinese government and are pretending not to know.


大批中国人民涌入美国边境和韩国非法越境。 中国政府和中国大使馆否认中国人逃出中国。 当然,被洗脑的中国人永远不会知道真相。 中国人不想再住在中国了。Huge Chinese peoples are flooding into US border and Korea for illegal border crossing. Chinese’s run out of China is denied by China Government and China Embassies. Of Course, Brainwashed Chinese people never know the truth. Chinese does not want live in China anymore.

School teachers family, Government employees, Business owner, Mid-Class of of China trying to leave China go for free countries.

World De-Coupling From China Is Proceeding. There Can Be No Doubt 世界与中国的脱联正在继续。毫无疑问

www.forbes.com/sites/miltonezrati/2024/02/24/de-coupling-from-china-is-proceeding-there-can-be-no-doubt/ Most striking in the data is that China has lost pride of place as the biggest exporter to the United States. That distinction now goes to Mexico. Most of this change is due to the independent efforts of American buyers to diversify away from China .. 数据中最引人注目的是,中国已经失去了美国最大出口国的地位。 现在,这种区别属于墨西哥。 这种变化大部分是由于美国买家在中国之外独立努力实现多元化 European figures are less complete, […]

当中国试图展示一个更友好的形象时,一个新的面孔出现了 As China Tries to Present a Friendlier Image, a New Face Emerges – The New York Times

刘建超是一名共产党外交官,擅长捍卫强硬立场而不好斗。他还曾经在国外追捕过逃犯 Liu Jianchao is a Communist Party diplomat skilled at defending tough positions without being pugnacious. He also once hunted fugitive officials abroad. — Read on www.nytimes.com/2024/02/14/world/asia/china-liu-jianchao-diplomat.html 亲爱的中国! 你知道世界肯定已经意识到了你的真实面容。 你对世界造成了足够的伤害,现在全世界都知道了。 不要再假装世界了。 Dear China ! You know the World has realized your real face surely. You did enough harm to the World and the World knows […]

中国人为了赚钱什么都卖,连毒药、假疫苗和病毒一起卖 European Union is considering sanctions on Chinese firms for aiding Russia’s war machine 欧盟正在考虑对帮助俄罗斯战争机器的中国企业实施制裁

https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/13/eu-considering-sanctions-on-chinese-firms-supporting-russias-war-machine.html 事实上,中国并没有帮助俄罗斯,而是想从战争中获得战争资金。这是中国一直在思考的问题。中国将病毒传播到世界各地,并为紧急国家生产了质量很差的口罩,并以十倍的价格出售。中国制造和供应药品并提供药品。 世界必须知道什么是中国及其人民。 他们不是这个世界上的正常人。 这就是中国,中国的传统文化习俗。 Actually, China does not help Russia but China want get war-money from the War.This is what China think about always.China spread Virus to the Wriold and and made terrible quality of Masks and sale with 10times of price for emergency countries.China make and supplying drug and supplying that. Thw World […]

文件显示,中国实验室在北京告诉世界前两周绘制了致命的冠状病毒地图 Chinese Lab Mapped Deadly Coronavirus Two Weeks Before Beijing Told the World, Documents Show – WSJ

国会调查人员表示,中国研究人员在2019年12月下旬分离并绘制了导致新冠肺炎的病毒,至少在北京向世界披露致命病毒细节的两周前,再次对中国在疫情关键的早期了解提出了质疑。—阅读www.wsj.com/world/china/chinese-lab-mapped-deadly-coronavirus-two-weeks-before-beijing-told-the-world-documents-show-9bca8865 Chinese researchers isolated and mapped the virus that causes Covid-19 in late December 2019, at least two weeks before Beijing revealed details of the deadly virus to the world, congressional investigators said, raising questions anew about what China knew in the pandemic’s crucial early days. — Read on www.wsj.com/world/china/chinese-lab-mapped-deadly-coronavirus-two-weeks-before-beijing-told-the-world-documents-show-9bca8865 世界提醒中国对世界做了什么。 The World reminds what […]