In a rare show of weakness, China’s censors struggled to keep up with zero-COVID protests – The Globe and Mail

As growing frustration over COVID-19 restrictions and other issues spilled over into protests in more than a dozen Chinese cities this weekend, videos and photos of the unrest spread widely online as the country’s internet censors struggled to keep up – a rare show of weakness. — Read on 本周末,随着对 COVID-19 限制和其他问题的日益不满情绪蔓延到中国十几个城市的抗议活动中,动乱的视频和照片在网上广泛传播,因为该国的互联网审查员努力跟上——这是一种罕见的软弱表现。

China Covid Protests Are Muted as Police Deploy En Masse in Cities – Bloomberg

Protests Are Muted in China as Police Deploy En Masse in Cities Heavy police presence witnessed in Beijing and Shanghai Monday Hong Kong sees protest of dozens in central business district — Read on 警方在城市大规模部署,抗议活动在中国平息 周一,北京和上海出现大量警力 香港在中央商务区看到数十人抗议

Great Wall of porn obscures China protest news on Twitter | TechCrunch

Chinese-language location-based escort ads aren’t new on the social media platform, but the frequency at which they are obscuring searches of Chinese cities in the last few days is unusual, as the data analyst noted: — Read on 中文基于位置的伴游广告在社交媒体平台上并不新鲜,但正如数据分析师指出的那样,过去几天它们掩盖中国城市搜索的频率不同寻常:

Chinese police make people delete photos from phones amid anti-lockdown protests | Flipboard

Chinese police make people delete photos from phones amid anti-lockdown protests — Read on 在反封锁抗议活动中,中国警方要求人们删除手机中的照片  

Video: Hear protesters in China call for Xi Jinping’s resignation – CNN Video

Hear protesters in China call for Xi Jinping’s resignation Protests erupted across China, including at universities and in Shanghai where hundreds chanted “Step down, Xi Jinping! Step down, Communist Party!” — Read on 听到中国抗议者要求习近平下台 抗议活动在中国各地爆发,包括在大学和上海,数百人高呼“下台,习近平!下台,共产党!”

Fury over China’s insane, endless COVID lockdowns exposes President Xi

“Need human rights, need freedom,” chanted hundreds of protesters Saturday night in Shanghai, along with “Don’t want Covid test, want freedom!” and “Don’t want dictatorship, want democracy!” Plus demands for President Xi Jinping to “step down.” — Read on “需要人权,需要自由,”周六晚上在上海,数百名抗议者高喊着“不要新冠病毒测试,要自由!” 和“不要独裁,要民主!” 加上要求习近平主席“下台”。

Beijing residents refuse building lockdown, COVID-19 testing | Flipboard

COVID-19 restrictions were lifted for some residents in Beijing’s Chaoyang district on Saturday, after they questioned the decisions of property management to lock all building exits two days earlier.. See more videos about Videos, China, Beijing, Coronavirus (Asia), Coronavirus (China), Coronavirus (COVID-19). — Read on 北京居民拒绝封城和pcr检测

Protests erupt across China in unprecedented challenge to Xi Jinping’s zero-Covid policy – CNN

Protests erupt across China in unprecedented challenge to Xi Jinping’s zero-Covid policy – CNN 反对独裁!”人群高呼。我们不想要终身统治者。我们不想要皇帝!”他们几乎不加掩饰地提到了习近平,习近平上个月开始了令人惊天动常的第三个任期   — Read on 中国各地爆发抗议活动,对习近平的零疫情政策提出前所未有的挑战  

Clashes in Shanghai as COVID protests flare across China 随着 COVID 抗议活动在中国各地爆发,上海发生冲突 习近平主席领导下的非暴力反抗浪潮史无前例 人们对习近平的零新冠病毒政策日益沮丧 乌鲁木齐致命的公寓火灾引发了示威游行 抗议城市中的北京、成都、兰州、武汉 Wave of civil disobedience unprecedented under President Xi Rising frustration over Xi’s zero-COVID policy Deadly apartment fire in Urumqi sparked demonstrations Beijing, Chengdu, Lanzhou, Wuhan among cities with protests

Guangzhou people protest over brutal lockdown by Xi jinping There were also angry protests in Guangzhou again last night.#Guangzhou #ChinaUprisingThread #China — 247ChinaNews (@247ChinaNews) November 25, 2022