不文明的中国人 China is big on internet censorship unless it’s racist content, Human Rights Watch says 人权观察称,中国对互联网审查力度很大,除非是种族主义内容

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-08-18/china-big-on-censorship-unless-racist-content-beijing-hrw/102737360 Censors turn a blind eye to racist content China’s censors are methodical about keeping the country’s closed internet free from information that the ruling Communist Party does not want its citizens seeing. But when it comes to removing racist content — specifically targeting black people — its Great Firewall and armies of content moderators are […]

Xi’s China has become too risky for foreign businesses 习近平领导下的中国对于外国企业来说风险太大

Recent moves, such as aggressive police raids against foreign businesses and the withholding of basic economic data are akin to putting up a “Do Not Enter” sign.  The harder the Chinese Communist Party clamps down on news, views and data that don’t fit its preferred narrative, the greater the investment risk and the harder it will be for China to […]

Italy seeking to leave ‘atrocious’ China Belt and Road plan without harming ties – minister 意大利寻求在不损害关系的情况下退出“残暴”的中国“一带一路”计划——部长

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023 Joining China’s vast Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) was an “atrocious” decision, Italy’s defence minister has said, and the issue was how to leave it without damaging ties with Beijing. 意大利国防部长表示,加入中国庞大的“一带一路”倡议是一个“残暴”的决定,问题是如何在不损害与北京关系的情况下退出该倡议。

School gym roof collapses in northeast China, killing 11 students and injuring 4 东北一学校体育馆屋顶塌陷致11名学生死亡4人受伤

A school gymnasium roof collapsed and killed 11 people in northeast China’s Heilongjiang province on July 23, 2023. Four others were injured. Local media reported that the girls’ volleyball team was practising inside the building at the time of the accident. Construction  2023年7月23日,中国东北黑龙江省一学校体育馆屋顶倒塌,造成11人死亡,另有4人受伤。 当地媒体报道称,事故发生时女排正在大楼内训练。 建造

The Great Leap Backwards of media in China 中国媒体向后的巨大飞跃· Global Voices

最新版本于2023年5月发布。2022年初,RSF还发表了一份名为“中国新闻业大跃进”的报告,讽刺地提到了毛泽东的大跃进,在1958-1962年,最终导致了大规模饥荒和数百万人死亡。 the latest of which was released in May 2023. In early 2022, RSF also published a report called “The Great Leap Backwards of Journalism in China,” an ironic reference to Mao’s Great Leap Forward that, in 1958–1962, eventually led to massive starvation and millions of deaths. — Read on globalvoices.org/2023/07/24/the-great-leap-backwards-of-media-in-china/

中国青年失业率创历史新高,经济伤痕加深 China’s youth unemployment hits a record high, deepening its economic scars


https://www.cnbc.com/2023/05/29 As youth unemployment in China rises to a record high, college graduates are caught in a perfect storm — with some forced to take on low-paying jobs or settle for jobs below their skill levels. Official data shows urban unemployment among the 16- – about four times the broader unemployment rate even as millions more college students […]

在中国,镇压正变得越来越激进 In China, repression is becoming more and more aggressive

人权活动家正在被判处极其严厉的监禁。即使是普通的喜剧演员也首当其冲地承受着北京的镇压。Human rights activists are receiving extremely harsh prison sentences. Even ordinary comedians bear the brunt of Beijing’s crackdown. — Read on www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2023/06/04/in-china-repression-is-becoming-more-and-more-aggressive_6029002_4.html

中国的C919飞机充满了来自美国、欧洲的外国技术 China’s C919 airplane is full of foreign tech from US, Europe

中国的C919飞机从美国和欧洲公司采购了发动机、制动器、车轮、轮胎和飞行控制系统 China’s C919 aircraft has sourced its engines, brakes, wheels, tires, and flight control systems from US and European companies — Read on qz.com/chinas-c919-plane-full-of-foreign-tech-from-us-europe-1850484252 国家支持的媒体《环球时报》称赞C919的首次商业飞行是“中国在高端制造业自我创新实力的重要证明”。 但是是吗?事实上,对C919功能至关重要的核心组件和系统严重依赖外国技术。例如,C919的发动机来自CFM International,这是美国GE Aerospace和法国Safran Aircraft Engines的合资企业。 与此同时,C919的轮胎来自法国轮胎巨头米其林。轮胎压力监测系统由th提供 Global Times, a state-backed outlet hailed the C919’sinaugural commercial flight as “important proof of China’s strength in self-innovation in the high-end manufacturing industry.” But is it? In […]

China-India ‘disconnect’ could fuel ‘summer of discontent’ along disputed border 中印”脱钩”可能加剧争议边界地区”不满之夏”


https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/politics/article/3221140/india-china-disconnect-could-fuel-summer-discontent-along-disputed-border 中国最近试图在该地区站稳脚跟,这进一步助长了中国的强硬立场,尽管边境地区的紧张局势正在加剧。中国外交部长秦刚最近与巴基斯坦总统阿里夫·阿尔维和军队总司令阿西姆·穆尼尔举行会谈,表示北京愿意与德里的主要对手伊斯兰堡”加强军事交流和防务合作”。今年3月,中国总理谢赫·哈西纳在中国帮助下建成的第一个潜艇基地落成,中国加强了在孟加拉国的驻军。中国政府也一直在与不丹积极谈判,以解决长达几十年的边界争端。今年4月,中国”重新命名”了印度阿鲁纳恰尔邦的11个席位——北京宣称拥有这一席位——甚至”坚决反对”印度内政部长阿米特·沙阿几天后访问该地区。 The country’s hardening stance has been further fuelled by China’s recent attempts to assert itself in the region even as tensions simmer along the border.Qin, the Chinese foreign minister, recently held talks with Pakistan President Arif Alvi and army chief Asim Munir, saying that Beijing was ready to “strengthen military exchanges and defence […]

中国人在一所学校进行洗脑教育 China peoples brainwashing education in a school

China peoples brainwashing education in a school 中国被指控通过宣扬中国共产党 (CCP) 及其意识形态的宣传在学校对学生洗脑。 这种洗脑是通过多种方法完成的,包括: 向学生灌输中共意识形态。 中国的学生从小就被教导,中国共产党是中国唯一的合法政府,是唯一能领导中国走向繁荣的政党。 他们还被教导要崇敬中国共产党的创始人毛泽东,并将他视为一位伟大的领袖。 控制课程。 中共控制着中国所有学校的课程。 这意味着他们可以决定教授哪些主题以及如何教授。 这给了中共很大的权力来塑造年轻人的思想。 审查信息。 中共还审查它不想让学生看到的信息。 这包括有关天安门广场大屠杀、法轮功精神运动和西藏独立运动的信息。 奖励爱国学生。 中国的学生因表达爱国主义和对中共的忠诚而受到奖励。 这可能包括取得好成绩、获得奖励或受到老师和其他权威人士的表扬。 惩罚持异议的学生。 在中国表达异议或批评中共的学生可能会受到惩罚。 这可能包括诸如成绩不佳、被学校开除或被捕之类的事情。 中国学生的洗脑问题很严重。 这是一种思想控制形式,旨在向年轻人灌输中共的意识形态并压制异议。 这种洗脑对中国社会的发展和中国的未来都产生了负面影响。 China has been accused of brainwashing its students in schools with propaganda that promotes the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its ideology. This brainwashing is […]

中国政府在受到批评后删除了棕色脸视频帖子 Chinese ministry deletes brownface video post after criticism – BBC News

chinese uncivilization 不文明的中国人, all bad behaviors are funny things to Chinese people 对中国人来说,所有不良行为都是有趣的事情 The video, to promote road safety, featured Chinese people in brownface singing an Indian song. 为了促进道路安全,这段视频以棕色脸唱着印度歌曲为特色。 — Read on www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-65541628 2018年,在一名中国女演员黑脸和夸张的臀部出现后,中国最大的农历新年电视节目的短剧引发了广泛的批评。 去年,一名外交部官员表示,中国对种族主义零容忍,并将打击种族歧视视频,此前英国广播公司的一项调查揭露了一名中国电影制片人,他利用马拉维儿童拍摄个性化问候语——其中一些包括种族主义内容。 In 2018, a skit on China’s biggest Lunar New Year TV show sparked widespread criticism after a Chinese actress appeared in blackface […]

加拿大考虑驱逐涉嫌威胁国会议员家人的中国外交官 Canada considers expelling Chinese diplomats over alleged threat to MP’s family


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65487195 Conservative and New Democrat MPs are calling for the expulsion of Chinese diplomats over Beijing’s alleged threat to Conservative MP Michael Chong’s family in China. Dominic LeBlanc, minister of intergovernmental affairs, says these decisions cannot be made hastily but Canadians should have confidence that the appropriate steps will be taken. Former ambassadors Guy Saint […]

随着泽伦斯基的呼吁,习近平加强了促成和平的努力——但他有计划吗? With Zelensky call, Xi Jinping steps up bid to broker peace – but does he have a plan?


https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/27/china/china-ukraine-xi-jinping-zelensky-call-analysis-intl-hnk/index.html 但北京与莫斯科的密切关系,已经让西方对中国作为调解人的潜在角色产生了深深的怀疑。 自俄罗斯入侵乌克兰以来,习近平声称中国保持中立,但与普京进行了五次通话——包括两次当面通话——尽管两国之间存在多年的战略伙伴关系,但都没有拿起电话给泽伦斯基。 中国还继续与俄罗斯军队一起进行军事演习,其国防部长本月早些时候访问了莫斯科,并称赞两国之间“日益巩固”的信任。 中国在入侵一周年之际发布的冲突措辞含糊的“政治解决”——周三由习近平向泽连斯基提出——在西方和基辅被广泛认为对俄罗斯比对俄罗斯有利得多 乌克兰。 它要求停火,但没有规定莫斯科首先从乌克兰领土撤军。 But another set of optics, Beijing’s close rapport with Moscow, has already embedded a deep skepticism in the West over China’s potential role as mediator. Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Xi has claimed China’s neutrality, but has spoken with Putin five times – including twice in person – […]

中国城市中有五分之一的年轻人失业。 北京要他们下地干活 One in 5 young people in Chinese cities are out of work. Beijing wants them to work in the fields

https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/30/economy/china-youth-unemployment-intl-hnk/index.html 随着中国青年失业率的飙升,中国最富裕的省份提出了一个极具争议的解决方案:将 30 万失业青年送到农村,用两到三年的时间找工作。 毗邻香港的制造业强国广东省上个月表示,将帮助大学生和年轻企业家在农村找到工作。 它还鼓励农村青年回到农村寻找工作。 在宣布这一消息之前,习近平主席去年 12 月呼吁城市青年到农村寻找工作,以努力“振兴农村经济”,这与前领导人毛泽东几十年前发起的一项运动相呼应,其中有数千万人 城市青年实际上被流放到了中国的偏远地区。 As the jobless rate among China’s youth soars, the country’s richest province has offered a highly controversial solution: Send 300,000 unemployed young people to the countryside for two to three years to find work. Guangdong, the manufacturing powerhouse that abuts Hong Kong, said last month […]