中国今天非常平静、和平和安全,2024年08月也是如此 China is very calm and peaceful and safe today at 2024. 08 also

The Chinese people must be so happy. They live in such a safe country. 中国人民一定很幸福。因为我生活在一个如此安全的国家…… 共产党向人民灌输他们的国家是安全的。有趣的是,这个方法对于中国人来说非常有用。 这是一个由70年的独裁、控制和洗脑创造的有趣的体系。The Communist Party indoctrinates its people into believing that their country is safe. Interestingly enough, this method works quite well for the Chinese people. It is an interesting system created by 70 years of dictatorship, control, and brainwashing. CCP […]

北京一三甲医院 的4名医生,9个月时间里利用做手术先后偷摘了51个病人的肾脏 Four doctors from a top-level hospital in Beijing stole 51 patients’ kidneys during surgery

惊爆:北京一三甲医院 的4名医生,9个月时间里利用做手术先后偷摘了51个病人的肾脏,非法交易获利上千万! Shocking news: Four doctors from a top-level hospital in Beijing stole 51 patients’ kidneys during surgery over a period of nine months, earning tens of millions of yuan from illegal transactions! Owners and operators of Shanxi Osteorad Biomaterial Co. and Sichuan Hengpu Technology Co. are accused of receiving more than 4,000 cadavers via […]

中国绑架妇女儿童事件屡见不鲜 Child and women kidnappings are so common in China

8月12日(发布时间),一网友实名举报:“广东公安局包庇拐卖妇女儿童” 大伙们怀疑多年的中国官方涉足人口买卖看来是真的 On August 12 (the time of publication), a netizen reported under his real name: “The Guangdong Public Security Bureau shields the trafficking of women and children” The suspicion that the Chinese government is involved in human trafficking for many years seems to be true

中国是安全的国家 !不管你信不信 China is the safe country6.! whether you believe or not

The Chinese people must be so happy. They live in such a safe country. 中国人民一定很幸福。因为我生活在一个如此安全的国家…… A tragedy caused by a Communist Party official’s drunk driving. Naturally, this incident was deleted from all social media and quietly buried. 一名共产党官员酒后驾车酿成的悲剧。自然,这件事被所有社交媒体删除并被悄悄埋葬。 中国修路工作的真相。它的崩溃似乎是很自然的事。The truth about China’s road construction. It seems so obvious that it’s collapsing.

中餐馆收集顾客剩下的食物并转售。 Chinese restaurants that collect food leftover from customers and resell it.

这就是中华民族的传统文化!This is the traditional culture of the Chinese people! 中国食品研究人员的主要任务:让废弃食品看起来像新食品、回收剩余食品、制造假油和假肉、在有毒洗涤剂中添加甜味剂……这就是中国人的传统工艺! The main tasks of Chinese food researchers: making discarded food look like new food, recycling leftover food, making fake oil, fake meat, adding sweeteners to toxic detergents, ….This is the traditional technology of the Chinese people!

China’s EV and China batteries are self ignite everywhere on the Earth 中国的电动汽车和中国电池在地球上随处自燃

China’s poor quality Battery & EV car is ruining the World including China itself. 中国质量低劣的电池和电动汽车正在毁掉世界,包括中国自己。 She said Chinese people say China is a Safe country.It looks like the Chinese people get some problem if does not agree with her 她说中国人说中国是一个安全的国家。看来如果中国人不同意她的观点,就会遇到麻烦 China’s ev car maker operates team to cover company brand from exploded EV car 中国电动汽车制造商组建团队,掩盖电动汽车爆炸事件中的公司品牌