中国人的野蛮和暴力性正在代代相传给那些孩子 The brutality and violence of the Chinese are being passed down to the children2
This vicious cycle will continue until the Chinese are civilized 这个恶性循环会持续到中国人文明化为止 在漫长的几十年里,虽然老一代中国人普遍受教育程度低,洗脑不文明。但21世纪以后,中国的孩子和年轻一代面临着严重的洗脑、文明不文明、不道德和残忍行为问题 For a long decades, It was though generally the old generation of Chinese is low educated and brainwashed and not civilized.But the Kids and young generation of China has severe problem of Brainwashed, poor civilization, immoral and cruel behavior after on 21’st centuries