2024 年 3 月,中国许多学校因无运营资金而关闭 a lot of schools has closed by no-operation money in China, Mar 2024

近日,广州市天河区岭南中英文学校将倒闭,400多名小学生面临无书可读困境,近百名家长准备集体签名到教育局拉横幅维权请愿,被警察逐一打电话并上门警告,请愿签名现场家长被开特警车及大巴前来的十多名警察维稳 。所有微信聊天群里签名要上访的70多位家长都收到警察的电话及上门警告Translated from Chinese byRecently, Lingnan Chinese and English School in Tianhe District, Guangzhou City will close down. More than 400 primary school students are facing the dilemma of having no books to read. Nearly a hundred parents prepared to sign a collective petition to the Education Bureau to hold a banner to protect their […]

中国传统技术是盗窃 Leaked Files Show the Secret World of China’s Hackers for Hire. China steal everything from the World even at this moment. This is Chinese ethnics 泄露的文件展示了中国雇佣黑客的秘密世界。 即使在此时此刻,中国也从世界上窃取了一切。 这就是中华民族.小偷建立的国家

中国传统技术是盗窃 Surprisingly, Surveillance and Stealing from the World are done by China Government with Chinese nationals together. 令人惊讶的是,世界各地的监视和盗窃是中国政府与中国公民一起进行的。小偷建立的国家. 中国是一个专门从事盗窃的国家。China is a country that specializes in theft. https://www.redlakenationnews.com/story/2024/02/22/news/leaked-files-from-chinese-firm-show-vast-international-hacking-effort/120405.html https://www.usnews.com/news/technology/articles/2024-02-21/an-online-dump-of-chinese-hacking-documents-offers-a-rare-window-into-pervasive-state-surveillance The hacking tools are used by Chinese state agents to unmask users of social media platforms outside China such as X, formerly known as Twitter, break into […]

美国当局逮捕了两名涉嫌参与北京阴谋破坏并最终推翻流亡的反共”法轮功”精神运动的中国政府官员。U.S. authorities have arrested two suspected Chinese government agents in connection with an alleged plot by Beijing to disrupt and ultimately topple the exiled anti-communist Falun Gong spiritual movement.


https://apnews.com/article/falun-gong-china-bribery-transnational-repression-d840f64a815d30c33023b712fdc26eb2 China communist party BROKE INTERNATIONAL LAW EVERYWHERE EVERYDAY 中国共产党每天都在违反国际法 这位卧底官员录下了与陈的多次对话,调查人员还获得了窃听录音电话,其中陈和冯讨论了据称从中国政府官员那里得到的指示,检察官说。 检察官说,在一份录音中,陈水扁称中国政府官员类似于”血兄弟”,在另一份录音中,他说,中国政府将”非常慷慨”地奖励这位卧底官员帮助打击法轮功的非营利地位。 The undercover officer recorded multiple conversations with Chen, and investigators obtained a wire tap to record phone calls in which Chen and Feng discussed instructions they purportedly received from Chinese government officials, prosecutors said. In one recording, prosecutors said, Chen referred to Chinese […]