美国和中国官员将就遏制芬太尼供应进行会晤。 但中国真的想停止生产并向世界药品市场销售吗?U.S., China officials to meet on curbing fentanyl supply. but Does China really want to stop of production & selling to the World’s Drug Market ?

China will does whatever that can makes money.. That is the China, CCP, Chinese 中国会做任何能赚钱的事情。这就是中国,CCP,中国人 https://qz.com/emails/daily-brief/1851204480/china-and-us-to-talk-fentanyl https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/us-china-officials-to-meet-on-curbing-fentanyl-supply/ar-BB1hoD8o 美国指控中国公司和高管犯有芬太尼犯罪该官员还表示,北京于 11 月向国际麻醉品管制局数据库提交了 145 起毒品相关事件,该数据库是一个用于在国际上分享涉嫌贩运活动信息的工具,这是自 2017 年以来中国政府首次这样做。 11月,北京还发布公告,警告国内50多家前体生产商,如果将这些化学品运往国外,他们可能面临法律诉讼。 他们还警告称,外国当局可能会“陷入困境”,并表示出口商在向美国和墨西哥等国家运送物品时应谨慎行事。 U.S. charges Chinese companies, executives with fentanyl crimesThe official also said that Beijing in November submitted 145 drug-related incidents to the International Narcotics Control Board Database — a tool […]

美国众议院委员会报告称,中国故意推迟发布关键的新冠病毒基因测序 U.S. House Committee Report Alleges China Deliberately Delayed the Release of Critical COVID-19 Gene Sequencing

新冠病毒仍然在这里,但疫情在很大程度上被认为早已过去。 然而,美国众议院能源和商业委员会刚刚发布了一份新报告,概述了中国如何几周来推迟发布有关该病毒的关键遗传信息,可能推迟了疫苗的发布。 Veuer的Tony Spitz有细节。 查看更多关于视频、生命科学、遗传学、科学、中国、自然科学的视频。 —在flipboard.com/video/veuer/2e8b9f7bbf上阅读 COVID is still very much here, but the pandemic is largely considered long over. However a U.S. House Energy & Commerce Committee has just released a new report, outlining how China delayed releasing crucial genetic information about the virus for weeks, possibly delaying a vaccine. Veuer’s Tony Spitz has […]

尽管中国提供虚假信息和干涉,台湾选举还是成功 Taiwan election successful despite China disinformation, interference

周六在台湾的投票是2024年世界上最重要的选举之一。 为什么? 看看100英里外的中国及其日益增强的侵略性。Saturday’s vote in Taiwan is one of the world’s most consequential elections of 2024. Why? Look 100 miles away to China and its increased aggression. — Read on www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2024/01/14/taiwan-election-democracy-china-united-states/72224849007/ 台湾人民已经明确表示,只有民选政府才有权在国际社会中代表我们。The people of Taiwan have made clear that only a democratically elected government has the right to represent us in international society.

China’s property market is failing. These are the 3 new growth areas Beijing is focusing on to pull itself out of a tailspin 中国的房地产市场正在衰退。 北京着力摆脱困境的三个新增长领域

但是,习近平和他的内阁不够聪明,无法恢复被他毁掉的中国经济. But, Xi and his cabinet is not smart enough to get back China’s economy that he has ruined https://www.businessinsider.com/china-economy-new-growth-areas-electric-vehicles-batteries-solar-property-2024-1 China’s economy has been struggling to recover post-pandemic, and its real-estate crisis isn’t helping.President Xi Jinping’s administration is now looking at other industries for growth. 中国经济在疫情后一直在努力复苏,而房地产危机也无济于事。习近平主席的政府现在正在寻求其他行业的增长。

Chinese shadow bank Zhongzhi files for bankrupcty 中国影子银行中植申请破产

https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/05/business/chinese-shadow-bank-zhongzhi-bankrupcty/index.html https://www.bbc.com/news/business-67890633 中国财富管理公司中植企业集团因未能偿还债务而申请破产清算,该公司正努力应对房地产市场日益低迷的局面。 中国首都北京一家法院周五在一份声明中表示,中植公司以无法清偿到期债务且资产不足以清偿全部债务为由申请破产。 法院表示,根据我国企业破产法的规定,受理了中植公司的破产清算申请。 中植银行是中国规模达 3 万亿美元的影子银行领域的主要参与者(其规模与法国经济规模相当),其日益恶化的困境加剧了人们对中国房地产债务危机正在蔓延到更广泛的金融领域的担忧。 该公司在中国房地产行业拥有大量投资,该公司在 11 月份的一封信中向投资者致歉,称该公司严重资不抵债,负债高达 640 亿美元。 Chinese wealth manager Zhongzhi Enterprise Group has filed for bankruptcy liquidation after failing to repay debt, as the firm grapples with a deepening property market downturn. Zhongzhi applied for bankruptcy on the grounds it could not pay its due debts and its assets were insufficient to pay […]

中共的谎言。 他们说已经使 8 亿人摆脱了极端贫困— 新数据表明事实恰恰相反 China’s capitalist reforms are said to have moved 800 million out of extreme poverty – new data suggests the opposite

https://theconversation.com/chinas-capitalist-reforms-are-said-to-have-moved-800-million-out-of-extreme-poverty-new-data-suggests-the-opposite-216621 WORLDAsiaWar In UkraineAfricaAmericasEuropeMiddle East ASIA & PACIFIC China claims to have eliminated poverty, but the figures mask harsh challenges 中国声称已经消除了贫困,但数字掩盖了严峻的挑战 the country’s poverty alleviation campaign dominated headlines posted on social media, with some discussions censored after Internet users questioned the figures. “Can someone tell me what the official standard is for eliminating poverty? Why […]

在经济斗争中,中国Xi吹嘘“制造业能力” China’s Xi touts ‘manufacturing prowess’ as economy struggles | Fortune Asia

Xi仍然不知道谁破坏了中国经济。 或者Xi知道谁,但无视真相。 最近,经济疲软的迹象有所增加,12月份工厂活动萎缩到六个月来的最低水平,这可能会给决策者增加压力,迫使他们采取紧急行动,为经济注入动力。 —在fortune.com/asia/2023/12/31/china-xi-jinping-year-end-address-manufacturing-electric-vehicles-planes-weakness-economy/上阅读 Xi still has no idea who spoil China’s Economy. Or Xi knows whom but disregard the truth. Signs of weakness in the economy have increased recently with factory activity shrinking in December to the lowest level in six months, likely adding pressure on policymakers to act urgently to inject impetus to the economy. […]

苹果从中国转移生产的计划大幅增加 Major ramp-up in Apple’s plans to shift production from China

我们今天了解到,将苹果设备的更多生产从中国转移到印度的计划正在大幅加快。 在不到一年的时间里,富士康计划对一家印度工厂的投资增加了近400%。 We’re today learning of a major acceleration in plans to shift more production of Apple devices from China to India. In less than one year, Foxconn has increased its planned investment in an Indian plant by almost 400%. — Read on 9to5mac.com/2023/12/13/shift-production-from-china/

马科斯发誓在中国侵略期间捍卫菲律宾的主权 Marcos vows to defend Philippines’ sovereignty amid China aggression

菲律宾海事特别工作组周日指责中国海岸警卫队“严重损坏”了其一艘被水炮“直接瞄准”的船只,并冲撞了另一艘。 The Philippines Maritime Task Force accused Sunday the China Coast Guard of “severely damaging” one of its vessels that was “directly targeted” by water cannon, and of ramming another. — Read on www.cnbc.com/2023/12/11/marcos-vows-to-defend-philippines-sovereignty-amid-china-aggression.html