中国瞄准友好媒体,外交官”讲述新疆故事” China targets friendly media, diplomats to ‘tell story of Xinjiang’

Foreign journalists and officials visiting Xinjiang challenge the official narratives, revealing a more covert genocide. Indigenous people are depicted as immigrants, and Islam as foreign, leading to a disillusioning visit to a so-called vocational center, later revealed as a prison. Despite tight information control, challenges to the presented stories are crucial. (Words: 50)

在经济斗争中,中国Xi吹嘘“制造业能力” China’s Xi touts ‘manufacturing prowess’ as economy struggles | Fortune Asia

Xi仍然不知道谁破坏了中国经济。 或者Xi知道谁,但无视真相。 最近,经济疲软的迹象有所增加,12月份工厂活动萎缩到六个月来的最低水平,这可能会给决策者增加压力,迫使他们采取紧急行动,为经济注入动力。 —在上阅读 Xi still has no idea who spoil China’s Economy. Or Xi knows whom but disregard the truth. Signs of weakness in the economy have increased recently with factory activity shrinking in December to the lowest level in six months, likely adding pressure on policymakers to act urgently to inject impetus to the economy. […]

Who Gets to Tell China’s Story? | Foreign Affairs 谁能讲述中国的故事?

地下中国历史学家挑战中共滥用历史 The Underground Chinese Historians Challenging the CCP’s Misuse of History — Read on 中共利用他们被操纵的历史来洗脑他们的人民。 大多数中国公民从幼儿园开始接受教育,为中共的永恒版税而洗脑。 这种洗脑程序的结果是,大多数中国人是不文明的,害怕他们残酷的政府会在没有自己意愿的情况下跟随并走到一起。 CCP has using their manipulated history to brainwash their people. Most of Chinese nationals has been educated from kindergarten to be brainwashed for the eternal royalty to CCP. This brainwashing procedure results most Chinese are uncivilized and […]

中国的Xi用清洗斯大林 China’s Xi goes full Stalin with purge – POLITICO

习近平主席的宫廷里有些东西腐烂了。 当世界因中东和乌克兰的战争而分心时,一场类似斯大林的清洗正在席卷中国超秘密的政治体系,对全球经济甚至该地区的和平前景产生深远影响。 Something is rotten in the imperial court of Chairman Xi Jinping.  While the world is distracted by war in the Middle East and Ukraine, a Stalin-like purge is sweeping through China’s ultra-secretive political system, with profound implications for the global economy and even the prospects for peace in the region. — Read on […]

中国共产党的生存之道是从中国人幼儿时期开始不断地进行洗脑教育。The way for the Chinese Communist Party to survive is to constantly educate the Chinese from their infancy

brainwashing in china Chinese pupils are returning to school with new textbooks peppered with “Xi Jinping thought”, as the Communist Party aims to extend his personality cult to children as young as seven and rear a new generation of patriots. 中国学生正带着充满”习近平思想”的新教科书重返学校,因为共产党的目标是把他的个性崇拜扩展到年仅七岁的儿童,培养新一代爱国者。 patriotic-education-and-the-brainwashing-scheme-of-chinas-young The Chinese Communist Party is increasing patriotic education in schools, universities and religious institutions across the […]

Israel-Hamas war: Chinese social media fights disinformation too 以色列-哈马斯战争:中国社交媒体也打击虚假信息 | Context

Chinese-language social media platforms like Weibo, WeChat, Douyin have been flooded with misinformation about the Israel-Hamas war. Many old videos or videos that take place elsewhere have been taken out of context and mischaracterised as relevant to the current conflict. 微博、微信、抖音等中文社交媒体平台充斥着关于以色列-哈马斯战争的错误信息。许多发生在其他地方的旧视频或视频被断章取义,并被错误地描述为与当前冲突有关。 — Read on

Confessions from a Chinese censorship worker 一名中国审查人员的自白

confessions-from-a-chinese-censorship-worker/ 河豚公主: 就主要还是看一些境外媒体的新闻,就是关于中国的一些报道,然后比如说bbc他们关于中国的报道,还有一些嗯推特上有一些反贼嘛,抗议活动或者是游行之类的,还有国内的一些新闻国内有啊,比如说之前有鐵链的这种社会负面的去年的话有四通桥把指运动,就是这种负面的新闻。BP: We mainly gather China-related news from overseas media outlets, such as reports from BBC and posts from anti-Chinese dissidents from X [formerly Twitter] about protests and negative news like the chained woman and last year’s protest at Sitong Bridge. BP: There are written rules. But in general, commentaries and content that are against the Chinese government’s interests […]

中国人的非人行为也传到了他们的学生身上。他们的野蛮思想和行为会达到什么程度?The inhumane thinking and behavior of the Chinese are spreading to their school students as well. How far will the end of their barbaric thoughts and actions reach?

school students in the northeastern Chinese city of Zaozhuang have sparked intense online debate with a performance re-enacting the assassination of former Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe. The play staged on October 10, 2023, featured a banner criticising Japan’s decision to release treated wastewater from its crippled Fukushima power plant. 中国东北城市枣庄的学生表演重现日本前首相安倍晋三遇刺事件的表演,在网上引发激烈争论。 该剧于 2023 年 10 […]

Boycott Japanese Goods Yet Fish in Japan’s Waters 抵制日货却在日本海域捕鱼

Following Japan’s discharge of nuclear wastewater from the Fukushima plant, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) inflamed nationalistic sentiments among its citizens. Some expressed their anger in extreme ways. At the International Atomic Energy Agency’s annual meeting on September 25, among its 177 member states, only China voiced opposition to Japan’s decision to release the treated […]

中国禁止进口日本鱼,中国人决定在日本福岛海域自行非法捕捞。 非常有趣的国家!China ban import Japan fish and then Chinese decided to fish by themselves at Fukushima, Japan Sea by illegally. Very Funny country !!

Read full article 中国船只在北京所称的“福岛核污染水”中捕鱼,然后运往中国,而日本船只在同一地区捕获的相同海产品仍被禁止在该国销售。 一个月前,日本政府和东京电力公司开始排放受灾福岛第一核电站经处理的放射性水后,中国政府立即全面禁止进口日本海鲜。 但中国船只在太平洋同一海域捕获的鱼显然是合格的国产产品。 《朝日新闻》利用全球渔业观察网站分析了中国渔船在北太平洋北海道根室以东约 1000 公里处的秋刀鱼、鲭鱼和沙丁鱼捕捞区域的活动。 Chinese boats are catching fish in what Beijing calls “Fukushima nuclear-contaminated water” for distribution in China, while the same marine products caught in the same area by Japanese vessels remain banned in that country. The Chinese government imposed a blanket ban on Japanese seafood imports immediately […]

Civil Servants go unpaid and Local Government Borrowed From Temples/Protests surge in China 中国公务员拖欠工资,地方政府向寺庙借钱/抗议活动激增

这是广西广西著名旅游城市广电局的入口。 30多人举着横幅索要工资。 随后,该市官方媒体发布辟谣公告,称有关广电系统职工陷入经济困难的信息不实。 不过,通知没有解释视频中的抗议者是谁,也没有说明他们是否是广电系统的员工。 在中国各地,很多市政府雇员的工资都没有超过 6 个月。 非常有趣的是,许多地方政府从中国大部分城市富有并保留大量现金的寺庙借钱。 中国寺庙的和尚与女朋友开着法拉利、奔驰,和女孩喝完酒后,在服务场所享受赌博和性服务。这就是中国的样子。 由于包括中国国有企业在内的许多房地产开发公司破产,愤怒的中国购房者和重新房地产业务的投资者现在在中国各地都损失了所有的钱。 中国共产党不承认他们的经济问题,并试图审查互联网上所有相关的实际新闻。 摘自中国政府喉舌毛宁评论 “中国经济非常健康、光明,我们没有看到任何问题。”同时她在一份新闻稿中表示,数十万中国政府雇员、购房者、投资者正在街头挣扎着领取工资。 尽管警察阻止,他们还是拿回了钱。 This is the entrance to the Radio and Television Bureau in a well-known tourist city in 广西 Guangxi Province. More than 30 people were holding up banners and demanding their wages. Subsequently, the official media of this city issued a notice […]

中国新闻总是显示救援活动,但不显示灾难破坏和伤亡的细节 China News always shows rescue activity but not details show for disaster damage and casualties . Shenzhen received the arrival of Typhoon Haiku, causing the Shenzhen reservoir to overflow, forcing the government to release the flood, the whole city of Shenzhen was submerged in flood water, the whole city entered a state of emergency. 深圳迎来了台风”俳句”的到来,导致深圳水库泛滥,迫使政府放洪,深圳全市被洪水淹没,全市进入紧急状态中国新闻总是显示救援活动,但不显示灾难破坏和伤亡的细节