中国新的“神秘肺炎”听起来又像新冠病毒——这是我们目前所知道的 China’s New ‘Mystery Pneumonia’ Sounds Like COVID All Over Again — Here’s What We Know So Far – The Messenger.

所有过程与2019年11月武汉病毒大流行之初完全相同。All process Undergoing in China by Chinese Government are the exactly same with the beginning of Wuhan virus pandemic in Nov. 2019. 到目前为止,中国“专家——正如中国所坚持的那样”的所有评论都不是特殊现象。 2019年12月至2020年2月,中国“专家”到武汉考察后报告未发现人传人感染情况。 就连习近平也在新年假期开始时参观了火车站,然后告诉人们“人民,新年快乐!”。 在中国发生这种喜剧行为之后,许多中国人将这种严重的病毒传播到了世界。 All comment from Chinese “Expert – as china insist” are no special phenumonia till now. In Dec. 2019 ~ Feb. 2020, China’s “Expert” reported no human to human infection […]

中国再次向世界传播新疾病。China spreading new Virus to the World again. 中国在COVID-19大流行期间实施的严格封锁是患有呼吸道疾病的儿童激增的部分原因

China is spoiling the World again by China Virus after covid pandemic. Now, The process is the same with 2019, Nov. China saying ” no special phenumonia” “No special Concern”. They are cheating World again. Why all New diseas comes from China always ? 继新冠疫情之后,中国再次被中国病毒破坏了世界。 现在的流程和2019年11月中国说的“没有特殊现象”“没有特别关注”是一样的。 他们又在欺骗世界了。 为什么所有的新疾病总是来自中国? The World Health Organization has requested China […]

China fails to release cremation data from late 2022 when its Covid-19 outbreak raged 中国未能公布 2022 年底 Covid-19 疫情肆虐期间的火葬数据 Chinese province saw cremations jump during COVID surge 新冠疫情激增期间,中国省份火葬数量猛增 The World Health Organisation has said China has not given a full account of how many of its 1.4 billion population succumbed to the disease after it abruptly abandoned strict COVID curbs in December last year. China said around 80,000 people died from COVID in hospitals across the country in the first two months after […]

‘Not one inch’: Philippines’ DFA launches microsite on arbitral win vs China “没有一英寸”:菲律宾的DFA在对中国的仲裁胜利上推出微型网站

Seven years after the historic ruling, Manila comes out with a ‘central resource’ – containing submissions, transcripts, and mementos – documenting its win against China before the Permanent Court of Arbitration 在历史性裁决七年后,马尼拉拿出了一个“中心资源”——包含提交的材料、成绩单和纪念品——记录了其在常设仲裁法院对中国的胜利 — Read on

Dutch seek to bar Chinese students from tech courses in chip war 荷兰试图禁止中国学生参加芯片战争的技术课程 The intelligence agency said many Dutch companies and institutions find it difficult to make a proper risk assessment of economic and scientific cooperation with China. “The country often conceals that the Chinese government or the Chinese army may be involved in such cooperation in the background,” said the report. “The disadvantages of cooperation often […]

中国第一架国产商用喷气式飞机采用了大部分西方零部件和技术。 最大限度。 25% 中国制造 China’s first home made commercial jet has made by most of western part and technology. Max. 25% China made

Yes, It is True as Like the other Made in China Proeducts. Covered by China’s paiting but all major components comes from outside of country.Look, Chinese. They are falling in Love with their “China home made comercial Jet” Yes. This is the stereotype of CCP’s propaganda to it’s brainwashed peoples. 是的,它与其他中国制造产品一样真实。 由中国涂料覆盖,但所有主要部件均来自国外。看,中国人。 他们爱上了他们的“国产商用喷气机” 是的。 这是中共对其被洗脑的人民宣传的刻板印象。

中国的C919飞机充满了来自美国、欧洲的外国技术 China’s C919 airplane is full of foreign tech from US, Europe

中国的C919飞机从美国和欧洲公司采购了发动机、制动器、车轮、轮胎和飞行控制系统 China’s C919 aircraft has sourced its engines, brakes, wheels, tires, and flight control systems from US and European companies — Read on 国家支持的媒体《环球时报》称赞C919的首次商业飞行是“中国在高端制造业自我创新实力的重要证明”。 但是是吗?事实上,对C919功能至关重要的核心组件和系统严重依赖外国技术。例如,C919的发动机来自CFM International,这是美国GE Aerospace和法国Safran Aircraft Engines的合资企业。 与此同时,C919的轮胎来自法国轮胎巨头米其林。轮胎压力监测系统由th提供 Global Times, a state-backed outlet hailed the C919’sinaugural commercial flight as “important proof of China’s strength in self-innovation in the high-end manufacturing industry.” But is it? In […]

中国新冠肺炎一周新增6500万人. China’s New Covid Wave Set to See 65 Million Cases a Week 一周内已感染6500万人,这是中国政府公布的数字。 全世界都知道中共公布的数字意味着什么。65millions have infected in a Week, this is the number of Chinese government announced. All the World knows what CCP announced numbers are mean.

China-India ‘disconnect’ could fuel ‘summer of discontent’ along disputed border 中印”脱钩”可能加剧争议边界地区”不满之夏” 中国最近试图在该地区站稳脚跟,这进一步助长了中国的强硬立场,尽管边境地区的紧张局势正在加剧。中国外交部长秦刚最近与巴基斯坦总统阿里夫·阿尔维和军队总司令阿西姆·穆尼尔举行会谈,表示北京愿意与德里的主要对手伊斯兰堡”加强军事交流和防务合作”。今年3月,中国总理谢赫·哈西纳在中国帮助下建成的第一个潜艇基地落成,中国加强了在孟加拉国的驻军。中国政府也一直在与不丹积极谈判,以解决长达几十年的边界争端。今年4月,中国”重新命名”了印度阿鲁纳恰尔邦的11个席位——北京宣称拥有这一席位——甚至”坚决反对”印度内政部长阿米特·沙阿几天后访问该地区。 The country’s hardening stance has been further fuelled by China’s recent attempts to assert itself in the region even as tensions simmer along the border.Qin, the Chinese foreign minister, recently held talks with Pakistan President Arif Alvi and army chief Asim Munir, saying that Beijing was ready to “strengthen military exchanges and defence […]

随着泽伦斯基的呼吁,习近平加强了促成和平的努力——但他有计划吗? With Zelensky call, Xi Jinping steps up bid to broker peace – but does he have a plan? 但北京与莫斯科的密切关系,已经让西方对中国作为调解人的潜在角色产生了深深的怀疑。 自俄罗斯入侵乌克兰以来,习近平声称中国保持中立,但与普京进行了五次通话——包括两次当面通话——尽管两国之间存在多年的战略伙伴关系,但都没有拿起电话给泽伦斯基。 中国还继续与俄罗斯军队一起进行军事演习,其国防部长本月早些时候访问了莫斯科,并称赞两国之间“日益巩固”的信任。 中国在入侵一周年之际发布的冲突措辞含糊的“政治解决”——周三由习近平向泽连斯基提出——在西方和基辅被广泛认为对俄罗斯比对俄罗斯有利得多 乌克兰。 它要求停火,但没有规定莫斯科首先从乌克兰领土撤军。 But another set of optics, Beijing’s close rapport with Moscow, has already embedded a deep skepticism in the West over China’s potential role as mediator. Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Xi has claimed China’s neutrality, but has spoken with Putin five times – including twice in person – […]

据报道,中国武汉的 Covid 举报人三年后获释。方斌因报道武汉爆发的 Covid-19 而成为当局的目标 China’s Covid whistleblower in Wuhan reportedly freed after three years.Fang Bin was targeted by authorities for reporting on the outbreak of Covid-19 in Wuhan 方是许多中国人中的一员,他们因公开报道世界上第一次重大的 Covid-19 爆发和封锁事件而成为当局的目标。 他和同为公民记者的陈秋实于 2020 年 2 月从武汉失踪。2021 年 9 月,陈在他朋友的 YouTube 提要上直播了一段视频,称他患有抑郁症。 他没有提供有关他失踪的细节。 Fang was among a number of Chinese people who were targeted by authorities for publicly reporting the events of the world’s first major Covid-19 outbreak and lockdown. He and fellow citizen journalist Chen Qiushi, disappeared from Wuhan in February 2020. […]

报告新冠肺炎的中国人将在3年后被释放 Chinese who reported on COVID to be released after 3 years – ABC News

Chinese authorities are preparing to release a man who disappeared three years ago after publicizing videos of overcrowded hospitals and bodies during the COVID-19 outbreak — Read on 2020年初,最初的新冠肺炎疫情摧毁了中国中部湖北省1100万居民所在的武汉市。在76天的封锁下,除了救护车和安全人员外,其街道空无一人数月。 当时,少数公民记者试图用智能手机和社交媒体帐户讲述他们和其他人的故事,无视共产党严格监管的信息垄断。虽然他们的运动很小,但规模在中国之前的任何重大疾病爆发或灾难中都是前所未有的。 In early 2020, the initial COVID outbreak devastated the city of Wuhan, home to 11 million residents, in central China’s Hubei province. Under a […]

紧张的对峙:菲律宾在海上索赔问题上与中国对抗。中国在南中国海日益咄咄逼人,估计每年有5万亿美元的全球贸易过境。Tense face-off: Philippines confronts China over sea claims.China’s increasingly aggressive actions in the South China Sea, where an estimated $5 trillion in global trade transits each year.

Jim Gomez Gomez is The AP Chief Correspondent in the Philippines. JimSGomez 一艘中国海岸警卫队船只阻止了一艘菲律宾巡逻船驶入南中国海有争议的浅滩,这导致中国最近一次在战略航道发动侵略的险些发生碰撞。 4月23日,这艘大型中国船与菲律宾海岸警卫队BRP马拉帕斯库亚号在第二托马斯浅滩附近对峙的公海,是它和另一艘菲律宾船只在世界上争议最激烈的水道之一进行为期一周的主权巡逻时遭遇到的紧张时刻之一。 A Chinese coast guard ship blocked a Philippine patrol vessel steaming into a disputed shoal in the South China Sea, causing a frightening near-collision in the latest act of Beijing’s aggression in the strategic waterway. The high seas face-off April 23 between the larger Chinese ship and the Philippine coast guard’s BRP Malapascua […]