中国大使就前苏联国家不存在一事激怒欧洲 Chinese ambassador sparks European outrage over suggestion former Soviet states don’t exist 这就是中国的水平。 一如既往 This is the level of China. as always 在驻巴黎的高级外交官质疑前苏联各共和国主权后,欧洲国家要求北京作出答复,这些言论可能损害中国被视为俄罗斯和乌克兰之间潜在调解人的努力。 中国驻法国大使鲁沙耶在电视采访中说,前苏联国家在国际法中没有”有效地位”,这引起了外交界的震惊,特别是在波罗的海国家。 European countries are demanding answers from Beijing after its top diplomat in Paris questioned the sovereignty of former Soviet republics, in comments that could undermine China’s efforts to be seen as a potential mediator between Russia and Ukraine. The remarks by China’s ambassador to […]

中国外长加大对台威胁力度 China foreign minister steps up threats against Taiwan

中国有足够的勇气发动战争吗?看看中国是否是一只悬空的狗。Does China enough Brave to Start War ? Will See If China is not a dog barking to the air China’s foreign minister stepped up threats Friday against the self-governing island of Taiwan, saying any who go against Beijing’s demand to exert control over the island are “playing with fire.”

The dove or the dog: China makes peace while baring teeth 鸽子还是狗:中国咬着牙缔造和平 上周六,就在习近平与埃马纽埃尔·马克龙喝茶并呼吁乌克兰实现和平的几个小时后,战斗机飞越台湾海峡以展示中国的军事实力。 中国的演习旨在恐吓台湾,在法国总统国事访问标志着中国外交达到高潮的第二天开始。 这种不和谐的并置是中国向世界展示的两张面孔的最新例证——一位鸽派的国际和平缔造者,以及一只张开牙齿捍卫其领土的攻击犬。 Last Saturday, just hours after Xi Jinping sipped tea with Emmanuel Macron while calling for peace in Ukraine, fighter jets flew across the Taiwan Strait in a display of Chinese military might. Aimed at intimidating Taiwan, China’s drills began the day after a state visit by the French president that marked […]

人在中国失踪. 为什么中国的亿万富翁不断消失 Why China’s Billionaires Keep Disappearing 消失的亿万富翁:马云和其他神秘消失的中国大亨 科技行业交易撮合者鲍凡上个月失踪,重新点燃了人们对最近中国现象——消失的亿万富翁的兴趣。 华兴资本的创始人——其客户包括互联网巨头腾讯、阿里巴巴和百度——被视为中国科技行业的巨头。 鲍先生的案子走上了一条老路:他失踪了几天,然后他的公司宣布他“正在配合中华人民共和国某些当局正在进行的调查”。 阿里巴巴创始人马云最近出现在公司总部所在地杭州的云谷学校,成为头条新闻。 自从他在 2020 年激怒了中国共产党批评中国的金融监管体系以来,他就很少公开露面了。“他形容他们有一种‘当铺心态’,这确实激怒了很多人,”德克斯特·罗伯茨 (Dexter Roberts) 说, 大西洋理事会印太安全倡议高级研究员,《中国资本主义的神话》一书的作者。 “此外,马云的傲慢性格惹恼了中国的许多监管机构和非常有权势的人。” 马云并不是第一个从公众视野中神秘消失的亿万富翁。 2015年,有中国巴菲特之称的郭广昌失踪。 该公司后来表示,他正在协助当局进行调查。 2017年,加拿大华裔亿万富翁肖建华在香港被中国安全人员绑架。 2022年,他因诈骗和腐败被判处有期徒刑13年。 中国亿万富翁的神秘失踪还没有停止。 今年2月,知名投资银行家鲍凡成为“消失的亿万富翁”榜单上的最新一位。 然而,几天后,他的公司表示他“正在配合中华人民共和国某些当局正在进行的调查”。 经济学人智库全球贸易首席分析师尼克马罗说:“当像包凡这样的人消失时,像包凡这样高调的人突然消失而没有任何解释,这不可避免地会给其他市场带来一种令人不寒而栗的感觉。” “我的意思是,你怎么能觉得你可以在一个行业的重要领导者突然消失的地方做生意?” Disappearing Billionaires: Jack Ma And Other Chinese Moguls Who Have Mysteriously Dropped Off The Radar The disappearance last month of technology industry dealmaker Bao Fan has rekindled interest in […]

为什么中国对蔡英文与麦卡锡的会面如此不满? Why is China so upset at a meeting between Tsai and McCarthy? 美国众议院议长凯文·麦卡锡预计将于周三晚些时候在加利福尼亚会见台湾总统蔡英文。 麦卡锡已确认他将在洛杉矶市中心以北约 64 公里(40 英里)的罗纳德里根总统图书馆举行的“两党”活动中与蔡英文会面。 Kevin McCarthy, the speaker of the United States House of Representatives, is expected to meet Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen in California later on Wednesday. McCarthy has confirmed he will meet Tsai at a “bipartisan” event at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, about 64km (40 miles) north of the centre of Los […]

中国媒体现实与乌克兰战争真相冲突. China’s media realities clash over truth about war in Ukraine 她告诉半岛电视台说:”我认为大多数中国人没有注意到战争,因为他们要么没有关注战争,要么只是从中国媒体上获得有关战争的消息。” 她对半岛电视台说:”但是,如果你能够超越防火墙(用来形容中国对互联网的严格审查),你就会看到,人们对这场战争的说法和报道方式截然不同,在国际和西方媒体上报道的方式截然不同。” 入侵初期,中国国家电视台CCTV报道称,美国资助乌克兰实验室研制生物武器。 据报道,乌克兰总统泽伦斯基在俄罗斯发动第一波袭击后逃离基辅。 中国媒体随后忠实地转达了俄罗斯关于乌克兰平民在基辅附近的布查镇遭受酷刑和杀害的报道是”假新闻”的说法。 一直以来,入侵过去和现在都被称为”特别军事行动”,正如俄罗斯媒体所报道的那样。 “I think the majority of Chinese people don’t notice it because they either don’t pay attention to the war or they only get their news about it from Chinese media,” she told Al Jazeera. “But if you are able to look beyond the firewall [a term used to […]

习近平的中国悲剧 Xi Jinping’s Chinese Tragedy by Orville Schell & Irena Grudzińska Gross – Project Syndicate

Orville Schell & Irena Grudzińska Gross about the country’s increasingly worrisome trajectory, both at home and abroad. — Read on 尽管习近平去年年底终于结束了中国灾难性的零新冠肺炎政策,但他继续加倍努力深化国内专制和海外侵略的列宁主义项目。更多中西“脱钩”和冷战式集团的出现几乎是肯定的。 Although Xi Jinping finally ended China’s disastrous zero-COVID policy late last year, he has continued to double down on his Leninist project of deepening autocracy at home and aggression abroad. More Sino-Western “decoupling” […]

习近平是个好领导人吗? 中国聊天机器人是这样回答的 Is Xi Jinping a good leader? Here is what Chinese chatbot answered For experimenting, WSJ talked to four Chinese chatbots. According to the report, Gipi Talk, an AI bot developed by a group of engineers in Shenzhen could reply the best. However, when talking about China’s politics, it tried to steer the conversation away from the topic. Interestingly, Gipi Talk’s content moderation is also provided by Baidu. Here […]

俄罗斯、中国制造“危险、混乱、分裂”的世界 Al Jazeera English: Russia, China creating world of ‘danger, disorder, division’: UK “俄罗斯非法入侵乌克兰、将能源和食品供应武器化以及不负责任的核言论,再加上中国在南海和台湾海峡采取更具侵略性的立场,有可能创造一个充满危险、混乱和分裂的世界,”英国 总理 Rishi Sunak 在评论的前言中写道。 “Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine, weaponisation of energy and food supplies and irresponsible nuclear rhetoric, combined with China’s more aggressive stance in the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait, are threatening to create a world defined by danger, disorder and division,” UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak wrote in […]

Petition to remove Donnie Yen as Oscars presenter earns thousands of signatures 撤销甄子丹作为奥斯卡主持人的请愿书获得了数千个签名 数千人签署了一份在线请愿书,要求将香港演员甄子丹免为今年奥斯卡颁奖典礼的主持人,因为他支持中国政府。 据英国广播公司报道,该请愿书是由香港活动家Tong Wai-hung发起的,他声称该决定“表现出对香港人民的蔑视”,Yen的存在将“损害电影业的形象和声誉”。 Thousands have signed an online petition to remove Hong Kong actor Donnie Yen as a presenter at this year’s Oscars due to his support of the Chinese government. As reported by the BBC, the petition was set up by Hong Kong activist Tong Wai-hung, who claims the decision “shows contempt for […]

Taiwan permits more flights to China as ‘goodwill gesture’ 台湾允许更多航班飞往中国,以示”善意” The Taiwanese government on Thursday said it had agreed to resume more direct flights to China that were stopped after the coronavirus pandemic. It said this was part of a bid to foster “healthy and orderly exchanges” with Beijing amid continued tension in the region.  Taiwan currently allows air access to only four cities in China, namely Beijing, Chengdu, Shanghai, and Xiamen. […]

当愚昧的人占绝大多数时,清醒者必是另类,要么被同化,要么被打压,别无选择… 这也就是清醒的人在中共国觉得窒息的原因吧? Words penetrate the bone There are eight important evidence of Chinese ignorance: 1. 90% of people think that the Old Summer Palace was burned by the Eight-Nation Alliance; 2. 90% of people think that China won the Korean War. 3. 90% think that housing prices are done by local merchants! 4. 90% of people […]


小时候,美国是敌人,法国是敌人,英国是敌人,菲律宾越南韩国是敌人…后来,印度是敌人,同族兄弟台湾也是敌人,就连”老大哥”苏修也成了敌人!我恨他们,我想当兵去打他们。 慢慢的,我长大了,我百思不得其解:我们为什么有这么多敌人? 现在,终于明白了:原来,我们是世界公敌! When I was a child, the United States was the enemy, France was the enemy, the United Kingdom was the enemy, and the Philippines, Vietnam and South Korea were enemies… Later, India was the enemy, Taiwan, the brother of the same race, was also the enemy, and even the “Big Brother” Su […]