Xi Versus the Street: Why the Protests in China Could Herald a Turbulent New Era

Xi Versus the Street The Protests in China Could Herald a Turbulent New Era — Read on www.foreignaffairs.com/china/xi-versus-street 习对街 中国的抗议活动可能预示着一个动荡的新时代

China’s censorship regime will hone in on social media to stamp out protests and dissent 中国的审查制度将在社交媒体上磨练,以消除抗议和异议

China’s censorship regime will hone in on social media to stamp out protests and dissent China is already a world leader in state surveillance including facial recognition and gait analysis. Now it’s about to go even further — Read on inews.co.uk/news/world/china-censorship-regime-social-media-protests-dissent-2001820 中国的审查制度将加强社交媒体以压制抗议和异议 中国在包括面部识别和步态分析在内的国家监控方面已经处于世界领先地位。 现在它即将走得更远

Zero-Covid: five charts that show how restrictions are throttling the Chinese economy | China | The Guardian 零冠状病毒:五张图表显示限制如何抑制中国经济

大流行已经过去三年了,中国仍然依赖快速封锁和大规模测试——而这可能会给全球经济带来麻烦 乔纳森·耶鲁沙米 2022年12月1日星期四03.04格林尼治时间 中国反对大流行限制的抗议可能会给全球经济带来新一轮动荡,全球经济已经饱受通货膨胀、能源冲击和乌克兰战争之苦。 政府为了限制病毒的扩散,持续依赖封锁、防疫命令和大规模检查,引发了数十年来最大的抗议运动。 但几乎没有证据表明,当局愿意偏离他们走过的道路。 保健人员为了检查新冠肺炎,正在从女性身上提取拭子样本。 零COVID政策:为什么中国仍然存在严重的封锁? 阅读更多 除了引发中国国内社会动荡之外,有迹象表明零冠状病毒战略正在勒紧世界第二大经济体——而作为全球增长的关键驱动因素之一,中国所发出的动荡浪潮很可能在其他地方感受到。   Zero-Covid: five charts that show how restrictions are throttling the Chinese economy — Read on www.theguardian.com/world/2022/dec/01/zero-covid-five-charts-that-show-how-restrictions-are-throttling-the-chinese-economy   Opinion : During China’s economic is collapsing by 3 years brutal lockdown, some of Chinese company get huge benefit froim China Government’s covid policy. 在中国经济因3年的残酷封锁而崩溃的情况下,部分中国企业从中国政府的新冠肺炎政策中获益匪浅。腐败的中国政府

Chinese universities send students home in an effort to prevent more protests : NPR

Chinese universities send students home in an effort to prevent more protests — Read on www.npr.org/2022/11/29/1139641974/chinese-universities-send-students-home-in-an-effort-to-prevent-more-protests 中国大学让学生回家以防止更多抗议活动   … Chinese universities are sending students home as the ruling Communist Party tightens anti-virus controls and tries to prevent more protests after crowds angered by its severe “zero COVID” restrictions called for President Xi Jinping to resign […]

China’s Xi faces threat from public anger over ‘zero COVID’ | AP News

在授予自己作为中国潜在终身领导人的新权力后不到一个月,习近平就面临着几十年来未曾见过的公众愤怒浪潮,这是由他即将进入第四个年头的“零 COVID”战略引发的。 周末,示威者涌入上海和北京等城市的街头,批评这项政策,与警方对峙——甚至呼吁习近平下台。 SHANGHAI (AP) — Barely a month after granting himself new powers as China’s potential leader for life, Xi Jinping is facing a wave of public anger of the kind not seen for decades, sparked by his “zero COVID” strategy that will soon enter its fourth year. — Read on apnews.com/article/health-china-arrests-beijing-xi-jinping-1596604782d165d268d1dbc137034749 上周末,上海和北京等城市的示威者涌上街头,批评这一政策,对抗警察,甚至呼吁习近平下台。 周一,示威者聚集在香港这个半自治的南方城市,2019年开始的长达几个月的示威活动之后,民主运动几乎被严厉镇压所扼杀。 […]

China censoring Qatar World Cup crowds on TV by cutting away to hide maskless faces as rage grows of Covid lockdown | The Sun

中国是最后一个仍在努力通过快速封锁、冗长的检疫规则和大规模检测制度来遏制新冠病毒传播的主要经济体。 但严厉的限制与喧闹的世界杯人群形成鲜明对比,激怒了许多生活在中国的人。 卡塔尔不戴口罩球迷的形象向许多沮丧的中国人凸显了他们国家的 Covid 遏制措施与已经摆脱口罩和封锁的世界之间的差异。 China is the last major economy still trying to stamp out the spread of Covid with snap lockdowns, lengthy quarantine rules and mass testing regimes. But the contrast of the harsh restrictions with the raucous World Cup crowds has infuriated many living in China. The images of maskless fans in […]

Chinese police get violent as COVID-19 lockdown protests sweep across the country | Fox News

Chinese police get violent as COVID-19 lockdown protests sweep across the country Some protesters have chanted for Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party to step down — Read on www.foxnews.com/world/chinese-police-get-violent-covid-19-lockdown-protests-sweep-country 随着 COVID-19 封锁抗议席卷全国,中国警察变得暴力 一些抗议者高呼习近平和中国共产党下台

China reportedly floods Twitter with porn to block news of widespread COVID protests | Fox News

China is reportedly spamming Twitter with posts about porn and escorts in an apparent attempt to block news about the widespread protests across the country against COVID lockdowns. — Read on www.foxnews.com/world/china-twitter-porn-block-news-covid-protests 据报道,中国正在 Twitter 上发布关于色情和应召女郎的垃圾邮件,显然是为了阻止有关全国范围内针对 COVID 封锁的广泛抗议活动的消息。

In a rare show of weakness, China’s censors struggled to keep up with zero-COVID protests – The Globe and Mail

As growing frustration over COVID-19 restrictions and other issues spilled over into protests in more than a dozen Chinese cities this weekend, videos and photos of the unrest spread widely online as the country’s internet censors struggled to keep up – a rare show of weakness. — Read on www.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-china-protests-zero-covid/ 本周末,随着对 COVID-19 限制和其他问题的日益不满情绪蔓延到中国十几个城市的抗议活动中,动乱的视频和照片在网上广泛传播,因为该国的互联网审查员努力跟上——这是一种罕见的软弱表现。

China Covid Protests Are Muted as Police Deploy En Masse in Cities – Bloomberg

Protests Are Muted in China as Police Deploy En Masse in Cities Heavy police presence witnessed in Beijing and Shanghai Monday Hong Kong sees protest of dozens in central business district — Read on www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-11-28/protests-muted-in-china-as-police-deployed-to-cities-in-numbers 警方在城市大规模部署,抗议活动在中国平息 周一,北京和上海出现大量警力 香港在中央商务区看到数十人抗议

Chinese police make people delete photos from phones amid anti-lockdown protests | Flipboard

Chinese police make people delete photos from phones amid anti-lockdown protests — Read on flipboard.com/video/independent/cc5644ad39 在反封锁抗议活动中,中国警方要求人们删除手机中的照片 https://ic-cdn.flipboard.com/flipboard.com/eae3de3fa1fe9dda35e236fdf8c3c5e92c43f537/_medium.jpeg   https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/china-protest-covid-measures-1.6666287   https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/china-protest-covid-measures-1.6666287 https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/2128122947529/ https://currently.att.yahoo.com/att/chinese-police-people-delete-photos-111439401.html  

US FCC bans sales, import of Chinese tech from Huawei, ZTE | AP News 美国联邦通信委员会禁止从华为、中兴通讯销售和进口中国科技

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. is banning the sale of communications equipment made by Chinese companies Huawei and ZTE and restricting the use of some China-made video surveillance systems, citing an “unacceptable risk” to national security. — Read on apnews.com/article/biden-technology-donald-trump-national-security-federal-communications-commission-6904d9fc598321fadc8bccb430efd800