Petition to remove Donnie Yen as Oscars presenter earns thousands of signatures 撤销甄子丹作为奥斯卡主持人的请愿书获得了数千个签名 数千人签署了一份在线请愿书,要求将香港演员甄子丹免为今年奥斯卡颁奖典礼的主持人,因为他支持中国政府。 据英国广播公司报道,该请愿书是由香港活动家Tong Wai-hung发起的,他声称该决定“表现出对香港人民的蔑视”,Yen的存在将“损害电影业的形象和声誉”。 Thousands have signed an online petition to remove Hong Kong actor Donnie Yen as a presenter at this year’s Oscars due to his support of the Chinese government. As reported by the BBC, the petition was set up by Hong Kong activist Tong Wai-hung, who claims the decision “shows contempt for […]

Democracy ‘on trial’ as Hong Kong 47 prepare to face court | Politics News | Al Jazeera 随着香港47人准备面对法庭,民主“正在受审”

Picked up in a dawn raid two years ago, the activists and politicians are charged over an unofficial primary. — Read on 在两年前的黎明突袭中,活动家和政治家因非官方初选而受到指控。

Watch: Chinese protester made video warning she could vanish. Then, she disappeared | CNN 中国抗议者制作视频警告她可能会消失。然后,她消失了

Chinese protester made video warning she could vanish. Then, she disappeared — Read on In the weeks following anti-zero Covid protests in Beijing, a protester made a video warning she could vanish. Soon after filming the video, she was arrested. CNN’s Selina Wang reports.

China forces journalists to take exam to demonstrate loyalty, political correctness | American Military News 中国强迫记者参加考试,以展示忠诚、政治正确性

China forces journalists to take exam to demonstrate loyalty, political correctness — Read on 申请人必须支持中国共产党的领导,认真学习、宣传和贯彻习近平关于中国特色社会主义新时代的思想,坚决贯彻党的理论、路线、原则和政策,坚持正确的政治方向和舆论指导。”

China’s buildup of the surveillance state — “Intelligence Matters” – CBS News 中国对监控国家的建立——“情报很重要”

China has some 400 million cameras surveilling the streets, as well as access to a billion smartphones used by Chinese citizens, Wall Street Journal reporters Liza Lin and Josh Chin tell Michael Morell. — Read on

China reportedly floods Twitter with porn to block news of widespread COVID protests | Fox News

China is reportedly spamming Twitter with posts about porn and escorts in an apparent attempt to block news about the widespread protests across the country against COVID lockdowns. — Read on 据报道,中国正在 Twitter 上发布关于色情和应召女郎的垃圾邮件,显然是为了阻止有关全国范围内针对 COVID 封锁的广泛抗议活动的消息。

Chinese police make people delete photos from phones amid anti-lockdown protests | Flipboard

Chinese police make people delete photos from phones amid anti-lockdown protests — Read on 在反封锁抗议活动中,中国警方要求人们删除手机中的照片  

Reading Hong Kongers form 170-person long human chain in town centre protest Protestors lined the streets of Reading on Sunday following an incident outside the Chinese consulate in Manchester

阅读香港人在市中心形成170人长链抗议在中国驻曼彻斯特领事馆外发生了一起事件后,星期天雷丁大街上的抗议者排起了长队 Around 170 protesters formed a human chain in Reading town centre on Sunday, October 23. Reading Hong Kongers from the group Reading UK Stands with Hong Kong took to Broad Street to protest against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Many Hongkongers fled their country in 2021 and arrived in the UK – which […]

On China’s Internet, Only Plaudits for the Party and Xi. 在中国互联网上,只有党和习近平的赞扬 State and party groups across China, meanwhile, promoted the Congress energetically in their online postings, highlighting praise for Xi and the outcome of the party’s deliberations. Hashtags for state media congress coverage dominated the top of Weibo’s viral topics list. 与此同时,中国各地的国家和政党团体在他们的在线帖子中积极宣传了大会,强调了对习近平的赞扬和党的审议结果。 州媒体大会报道的标签占据了微博病毒主题列表的首位。