中国欠我们所有关于新冠病毒出现时的真相 China Owes Us All the Truth About When Covid Emerged – Bloomberg

越来越多的证据表明,这种新病毒在2019年流传了几个月,但习近平主席的政府一直在干扰数据。 A growing body of evidence indicates that the new virus was circulating for months in 2019, but President Xi’s government keeps interfering with the data. — Read on

中国是病毒王国. 中国卫生官员猛烈抨击世卫组织,为 COVID-19 病毒搜索辩护 China health officials lash out at WHO, defend COVID-19 virus search 北京——中国卫生官员为他们寻找 COVID-19 病毒的来源进行了辩护,并在世界卫生组织领导人表示北京应该更早地分享基因信息后,周六猛烈抨击世界卫生组织。 中国疾病预防控制中心主任沉红兵说,世卫组织的评论是“冒犯和不尊重的”。 他指责世卫组织“试图抹黑中国”,并表示应避免帮助他人“将 COVID-19 政治化”。 BEIJING — Chinese health officials defended their search for the source of the COVID-19 virus and lashed out Saturday at the World Health Organization after its leader said Beijing should have shared genetic information earlier. The WHO comments were “offensive and disrespectful,” said the director of the […]

一位联合国官员告诉路透社,尽管与北京进行了长期会谈,但中国并未参与一项联合国项目,该项目旨在调查亚洲农贸市场和其他将传染病从野生动物传播给人类的高风险设施。 China is not participating in a United Nations project to survey Asian wet markets and other facilities at high risk of spreading infectious diseases from wild animals to humans, despite long-running talks with Beijing, a UN official told Reuters. 中国对加入涉及其他亚洲国家的联合国项目的犹豫不决可能会加剧全球研究人员的挫败感,他们一直在敦促北京分享有关 COVID-19 起源的信息,因为他们试图防止未来因人畜共患或动物传人而导致的大流行 , 疾病传播。 四个亚洲国家——中国、泰国、越南和老挝——最初被该项目的科学咨询委员会选中进行调查,该项目被称为“亚洲全球环境安全”(SAFE),因为它们拥有多个存在动物风险的设施—— 联合国官员说,疾病会传染给人类。 China’s hesitancy to join the UN project involving other Asian nations may compound frustration by global researchers who have been pressing Beijing to share information about the origins of COVID-19, as they seek to prevent future pandemics due to zoonotic, or animal-to-human, disease transmission. Four Asian countries […]

中国传播污染 China spreading Pollution to the World 黄沙吞没北京和中国其他地区 Yellow sand engulfs Beijing, other parts of China

WQorld The air quality in Beijing at one point reached the worst level on the country’s six-tier scale for the second day on Tuesday, as yellow dust blanketed the capital. People were seen wearing masks, and cars were covered with dust. A woman in her 40s said she has been unable to open […]

所有疾病都来自中国 All Deseas comes from China. 中国报告首例人类因 H3N8 禽流感死亡 China reports first human death due to H3N8 bird flu 据世界卫生组织 (WHO) 称,中国南方一名 56 岁的妇女在 H3N8 禽流感检测呈阳性后死亡,这是该禽流感导致的首例人类死亡。 虽然 H3N8 是禽类流感“最常见”的亚型之一,但在去年 4 月和 5 月在中国出现两起病例之前,尚未在人类身上检测到 H3N8。 A 56-year-old woman in southern China has died after testing positive for H3N8 avian influenza, marking the first human death from that strain of bird flu, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). While H3N8 is “one of the […]

菲律宾就海上争端与中国外交官对峙 Philippines confronts Chinese diplomats over sea disputes 菲律宾一位官员说,菲律宾外交官在非公开会谈中与中国官员对峙,抗议中国在南中国海的侵略行为,但没有就这些问题达成任何重大决议。参与会谈的一名菲律宾官员告诉美联社说,菲律宾外交人员概述了几起事件,突出了中国在非公开会谈中在争议水域的自信。 这位官员说,他们列举了中国的”入侵”事件和2月6日发生的一起事件,当时一艘中国海岸警卫队舰艇瞄准了军用级激光,使菲律宾巡逻艇的一些船员在一片有争议的浅滩上短暂失明。 这位官员说,中国代表的回应主要是重申北京对南中国海大部分海域的主权主张,并援引菲律宾船只的入侵。 A Philippine official says Filipino diplomats have confronted Chinese officials in closed-door talks with a slew of protests over China’s aggressive behavior in the South China Sea but no major resolution was reached on the issues.A Philippine official involved in the talks told The Associated Press that Filipino diplomats outlined several […]