China forces journalists to take exam to demonstrate loyalty, political correctness | American Military News 中国强迫记者参加考试,以展示忠诚、政治正确性

China forces journalists to take exam to demonstrate loyalty, political correctness — Read on 申请人必须支持中国共产党的领导,认真学习、宣传和贯彻习近平关于中国特色社会主义新时代的思想,坚决贯彻党的理论、路线、原则和政策,坚持正确的政治方向和舆论指导。”

Chinese workers on Africa’s infrastructure projects: the link with host political regimes. 非洲基础设施项目的中国工人:与东道国政权的联系

Chinese workers on Africa’s infrastructure projects: the link with host political regimes — Read on 为什么这很重要 我们的发现有几个重要的含义。首先,东道国机构很重要。东道国政府有能力确保中国公司在当地招聘。 其次,在当地雇用的项目可能会给东道国带来更多的长期经济利益。这既可以通过他们创造的就业机会,也可以通过向更广泛的经济转让知识和技术转让来实现。因此,我们的分析表明,中国建筑基础设施更广泛的发展效益实际上在民主国家可能比在专制国家更强大。 最后,这对中国的外交政策和外交关系有影响。许多中国公民在专制国家,在那里他们可能会受到le的欢迎

The US keeps offering China its Covid-19 vaccines, but China keeps saying no | The Straits Times 美国一直向中国提供新冠肺炎疫苗,但中国一直说不

The US keeps offering China its Covid-19 vaccines, but China keeps saying no — Read on 在北京与快速蔓延的新冠肺炎浪潮作斗争时,中国拒绝了美国一再提出的分享先进疫苗的提议,这种拒绝导致担心疫情死灰复燃的美国官员越来越沮丧。 据要求在讨论审议时不愿透露姓名的美国官员称,美国担心新变种的兴起及其对中国经济的影响,多次通过私人渠道向习近平主席政府提供mRNA疫苗和其他援助。

‘The Chinese Communist Party is on the verge of turning today’s China into yesterday’s Soviet Union’ “中国共产党即将将今天的中国转变为昨天的苏联”

The resumption of the Chinese economy by the Communist Party confronts the country with the same obstacles that brought down the USSR at the end of the 1980s, analyze the two economists Di Guo and Chenggang Xu, in an article in — Read on

China’s Xi solidified grip on power during tumultuous 2022 | Reuters

对于习近平来说,这是2022年罕见的亮点,这是动荡的一年,其顶点是前所未有的街头抗议活动,随后他的零新冠病毒政策突然逆转,冠状病毒感染在世界上人口最多的国家肆虐。 It was a rare highlight for Xi in 2022, a tumultuous year capped by unprecedented street protests followed by the sudden reversal of his zero-COVID policy and coronavirus infections rampaging across the world’s most populous country. — Read on        

Google refused Hong Kong request over protest anthem – HK official | Reuters

Google has refused to change its search results to display China’s national anthem, rather than a protest song, when users search for Hong Kong’s national anthem, the city’s security chief said on Monday, expressing “great regret” at the decision. — Read on

Indian, Chinese troops clash on disputed border in fresh face-off | The Times of Israel

India says Chinese troops ‘encroached’ into its territory on Friday in the eastern state of Arunachal Pradesh; no immediate comment from China — Read on

Taiwan reports record incursion by Chinese bomber aircraft | CNN

台湾国防部周二表示,中国已经向台湾防空区派遣了创纪录的18架核能力H-6轰炸机,同时中国政府继续加大对台湾自治岛的压力。 据台湾国防部称,这18架轰炸机是中国派往台湾西南防空识别区(通常称为防空识别区的缓冲区)的21架战机的一部分。   China has sent a record 18 nuclear-capable H-6 bomber aircraft into Taiwan’s air defense zone, the island’s Defense Ministry said Tuesday, as Beijing continues to step-up pressure on the self-ruled island. — Read on

Two Chinese ‘police stations’ uncovered in Germany | The Citizen

China’s 55 police stations Earlier this year, Spanish-based NGO Safeguard Defenders said China had set up 54 overseas police stations around the world, which are sometimes used to target critics of the Chinese Communist Party. German lawmaker Joana Cotar, whose request led to the information being disclosed, said it was an “outright scandal” the government […]

FBI director: TikTok could be China’s best espionage tool | TechSpot

TikTok is a formidable tool for espionage and mass control, and the Chinese communist dictatorship could do whatever they want with it. These, in brief, are the concerns expressed by FBI director Christopher Wray while attending an event at the University of Michigan’s Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy. — Read on TikTok […]

China fights lockdown protests by targeting smartphones

Several sources told DW that police in large cities like Shanghai have been randomly checking people’s phones on the street or on subways. Police have demanded people provide personal information and immediately remove apps like Telegram, Twitter or Instagram. Others have said they were called by police and had their phones searched by authorities. “Police warned me […]